Parliament may decide in February on another legislative package aimed at countering illegal immigration which is necessary in the interest of enhancing the country’s security, János Lázár stated at the press conference Governmentinfo 107.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said the Government believes it is important that organisations involved in the organisation and facilitation of illegal immigration which receive funding from abroad should operate in a more transparent manner.

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The Government is therefore initiating the introduction of an obligation of registration – which would be voluntary, but would carry a fine if not met –, the levying of a 25 per cent duty on their foreign funding which would be spent on the country’s border guarding efforts, and the possible imposition of an immigration restraining order resulting in effectively the same consequences as expulsion.

He remarked regarding the latter: “If I were to give you an example, I would say that the staff members of the Helsinki Committee could fall into this category”. The social consultation regarding the bill will last for approximately three weeks, he said.

Mr Lázár also said that as the law would only enter into force with respect to the future, this may be a perfect opportunity for George Soros to stop supporting illegal migration in Central Europe.

If George Soros stops financing illegal immigration in the future, the legislation will not apply to him and his organisations, he added.

Regarding the possible expulsion of George Soros, he said that no one wants to expel George Soros from Hungary. However, the laws must be observed by everyone in Hungary, and therefore anyone who openly supports and organises immigration in the future will have to face the statutory consequences, he added.

In answer to a question, he highlighted that another goal of the legislation is to stop various non-governmental organisations from using EU funds provided for Hungary as a Member State for managing migration.

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The Minister told the press that Hungary granted protection to almost 1,300 individuals last year. They were given international protection, which is not the same as being taken in without deliberation. “We help those who are in trouble”, he stressed, indicating at the same time that people eligible for protection should not be confused with economic immigrants. Hungary stops those falling into the latter category. Fifty people have been granted protection to date this year, and the number of individuals who may receive protection in the whole of this year may be between 500 and 1,000, he indicated.

In response to reports that the Austrian government is planning to reduce the rates of social benefits provided in relation to children not residing in Austria – a measure that would detrimentally affect a great many Hungarians – Mr Lázár said that they are continuously monitoring the bills the Austrian government is planning to put forward, and it is not out of the question that this issue will also emerge during Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s visit to Vienna. The prohibition of the application of double standards is a fundamental rule of the European Union, and Hungarian citizens working in Austria cannot sustain any disadvantage compared with their Austrian counterparts.

The Minister was also asked about the possible disclosure to the public of the OLAF report on Elios Innovatív Zrt. He said in reply that this would only be possible after the closing of the European Commission’s investigation; however, the Commission has not even started the assessment of the report yet. OLAF made recommendations to the prosecution service, and the Government takes the view that all such recommendations must be thoroughly considered. Also in this instance, the Commission will send a proposal regarding the adjustment of expenditures which the parties will discuss. They will follow through every stage of the procedure, and any information can only be made available to the public once the procedure is completed, he said.

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Mr Lázár said in response to suggestions that there may be a parallel between this case and the case of metro line 4 that the report on the latter was made public after five years, after the procedure had been closed and the Metropolitan Municipality concerned had granted its consent to its publication.

He was also asked whether the Government has any hopes that, with the entry into office of the new Romanian Prime Minister, relations between the two countries at the highest level may improve. The Minister said that based on almost a 100 years’ experience, he believes that a Romanian Prime Minister is yet to enter into office in connection with whom the Hungarian Government could have high hopes. “The word ‘hope’ in Hungarian-Romanian relations is a poetic exaggeration”, he said, adding that Hungary has a vested interest in cooperation.

Bureaucracy related to administration of family housing benefit to be reduced

The Government will facilitate administration related to the family housing benefit (csok), the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said. Mr Lázár indicated the Government will decide on the reduction of bureaucratic obstacles in two weeks’ time.

The Minister said the Government had reviewed the changes in force from 1 January and the country’s economic situation. He pointed out that, in addition to pay rises in the various sectors, the minimum wage has increased by 8 per cent, while the guaranteed wage minimum has increased by 12 per cent. Real wages have been on the increase for 58 months, he observed.

He indicated that, in consequence of tax policy decisions, some HUF 60 billion will be left with families, and also this year the tax authority will prepare the personal income tax returns for 4 million private individuals. Mr Lázár informed the press that the increase in broadband capacity by the end of this year and the 5 per cent VAT on Internet services represent a major step forward towards digital changeover.

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Regarding taxhanges, he spoke about the reduction of VAT on certain goods and services, and said the 15 per cent personal income tax will leave HUF 2,700 billion in people’s pockets, while the benefits provided in relation to children will provide families with further savings of some HUF 1,900 billion. He added that in January pensions increased by 3 per cent will be delivered to pensioners.

He also confirmed the goal of the Government is to ensure that the country should require no imported electricity within ten years’ time. To achieve this goal, they will grant land owners licences and will offer them preferential loans to enable them to create small solar parks. They have started consultations regarding this with the European Commission which supports this initiative, he said.

The Minister informed the press that the Government had approved the studies concerning the construction of the 450-kilometre Budapest-Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) high-speed railway line, while at the next meeting they will discuss plans regarding a railway connection between Liszt Ferenc International Airport and the centre of Budapet.

Mr Lázár reported that 46 of the existing 90 PPP contracts had already been replaced, and the state has a further payment obligation of HUF 2,100 billion in the case of the remaining 44. So far HUF 1,200 billion has been paid, he said.

He also informed the press regarding the Government’s educational and cultural plans, including the establishment of a Gyula Andrássy memorial site on Bem rakpart in the 1st district, the refurbishment of the library of the Budapest University of Jewish Studies, the establishment of a new Catholic school with 16 classrooms in Szeged, the relocation of the secondary school of music of the University of Szeged, and the further development of the Kazincbarcika Don Bosco School.

He spoke about the cabinet decision pursuant to which the Ministry for National Economy will launch a programme worth HUF 20 billion to promote local construction industry businesses.

The ambulance stations in Tatabánya, Nagykáta and Vác will be refurbished, he informed the press, adding that they will provide grants for the Szentendre Open Air Museum again.

Mr Lázár said in answer to a question that the technical inspection of the Várpalota ring road is currently under way before its opening to the public in February as expected. Asked about the interconnection of the M0 ring road, he said they are awaiting the relevant environmental impact studies. However, the project may be unrealistically expensive if all green criteria are taken into account, and in this case it will be necessary to consider whether the project is worth implementing.

Replying to a question, the Minister said the vandalisation of the building of the State Audit Office and the fact that MSZP pressed charges against Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Gabriella Selmeczi, former commissioner of the Prime Minister for the protection of pensions and György Matolcsy, former Minister for National Economy and incumbent governor of the central bank due to the nationalisation of the assets of private pension funds form part of the electoral campaign.

Mr Lázár was asked about the campaign of the mayoral by-election in Hódmezővásárhely, including the fact that the local Catholic parish priest spoke out on the matter. He said Hungary has to be a place where a Catholic parish priest must be free to state his opinion. In his view, it is a serious problem that a segment of the press persecutes and brands a priest who states his opinion on a certain matter. Regarding the opposition mayoral candidate, he said anyone in Hódmezővásárhely who claims Ferenc Gyurcsány as his ally is not a true Vásárhely man.

Mr Lázár confirmed at the press conference that the state wishes to buy the Whale Building.

Asked about the initiative “Don’t go to school”, he highlighted the importance of the freedom of opinion and expression, and indicated that the comments of students must always be taken seriously.

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In response to reports that Imre Kerényi, commissioner appointed by the Prime Minister would organise camps for the children of ministers, Mr Lázár said: “Imre Kerényi is an excellent artist, a great director. He had a dream about something which will not come true. It happens.”

The uncut version of the video recordings made at the event can be downloaded in the Press Room.