Nándor Csepreghy believes that, with the amendment of the laws on referenda, it will be possible to prevent the recurrence of undignified incidents such as the one that occurred in the building of the National Election Office in Alkotmány utca on Tuesday.

The Minister of State at the Prime Minister’s Office reiterated in answer to a journalist’s question on Friday in Budapest that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán requested the parliamentary parties and the National Election Office to initiate, in the wake of Tuesday’s events, the amendment of the laws concerning referenda. These will prevent the recurrence of such undignified incidents in the future on a statutory basis, he said.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Máthé/MTI

In answer to the proposition that certain ties in the incident may be linked to Fidesz or Gábor Kubatov, Vice-President of Fidesz and President of the football club FTC, he said: the Government fully condemns what happened. He added: the political events of the last few days clearly indicate that the opposition is profiting from the incident, and „quite obviously, the responsible parties should be sought among those who profit from what happened”.

Regarding the plans of the Government to merge certain ministerial support institutions, the Minister of State said: 73 support institutions will merge with the ministries by July 2016, combined with governmental reforms which are aimed at the reduction of bureaucracy. At the next cabinet meeting the Government will discuss the details of the merger of the support institutions of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Human Capacities.

The support institutions which perform state responsibilities that can also be fulfilled under the auspices of the relevant ministries will continue to perform their functions within the state apparatus as of January 2017, while the day-to-day tasks of implementation will be taken over by the district and county government offices, Mr Csepreghy said.