The EU should remain the Europe of nations – this is what the Hungarian Prime Minister will stand for, together with the Visegrád countries, at the EU summit to be held in Pozsony (Bratislava) on Friday, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 62 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

Mr Lázár added at his Thursday press conference: they will propose that the European Commission that has extended beyond its powers should return to its original executive function.

The V4 take the view that decisions should be adopted by the European Council, he stressed. The upset balance must be restored, and the excessive powers exercised by the Commission must be curbed. The European Commission cannot pursue an independent policy of its own that is contrary to the interests of the Member States, he added. He pointed out that the mandatory resettlement of migrants is one of these issues.

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The Minister said that at the EU summit, which will focus on the post-Brexit community, the countries of the Central-European region will raise the issue of providing support for the protection of the Bulgarian border as the most important task in hand, given that „the future of Europe is currently being decided at the Bulgarian-Turkish border”.

The region’s countries will further emphatically speak about Central-European cooperation, the reinforcement of their common market, the importance of the establishment of an EU army, and the enhancement of the functions of Frontex. It is additionally necessary to deal with the security of Europe as, with the exit of a nuclear power, the EU may lose some of its global significance, Mr Lázár stressed.

The V4 will also jointly stand up for the enforcement of European fiscal discipline and the common grant policy, Mr Lázár said.

He further mentioned: another prime goal of the Hungarian Government is to protect the interests of Hungarian guest workers living in Britain following Brexit.

What is at stake is whether Hungarians want Muslim immigrants

Mr Lázár was also asked about the possible consequences of the quota referendum. The Minister stressed that if Hungary, too, were required to adopt the mandatory EU distribution of illegal immigrants, the first debate would be about where to relocate them, and the second one about the source of the necessary funds.

The Minister believes that the European Union will never fully cover the expenses of the resettlement of illegal immigrants, and therefore should the October referendum fail, Hungarian citizens would also be required to make financial sacrifices.

The municipalities affected by the resettlement scheme would be required to provide benefits for more people, and as a result, the amounts of the various benefits per capita would also decrease, the Minister explained in answer to a question, adding: the resettled migrants would receive social benefits of the same amounts in every EU Member State which is „practically four to five times higher than the social benefits we are able to provide for our Roma fellow-countrymen”. „In other words, if you are an immigrant, you will receive 300 euros, while if you are Roma, you will receive 30 euros”, he said.

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Mr Lázár stressed that the Hungarian Government therefore continues to ask every Hungarian citizen to take part in the referendum of 2 October and to support the Government’s efforts to protect the country.

He mentioned in the context of the referendum that what is at stake is whether the Hungarian people what Muslim immigrants in Hungary or not. He highlighted that German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently sharply criticised countries which refuse to take in illegal Muslim immigrants; however, the Hungarian Government takes the view that the electors alone can decide on this.

Building the fence was wise decision

Mr Lázár confirmed in answer to further questions that, according to some estimates, some 2 million illegal immigrants are awaiting distribution in the EU in total, and consequently, as many as 130 thousand people could be relocated to Hungary.

The Minister repeated that in the migration crisis help must be taken to the places where the problems emerged. This is why, for instance, the Hungarian Government should build a hospital in Syria. He further remarked that „inducing unforeseeable social processes” does not follow from the duty of helping.

Mr Lázár also told the press that the security border fence has been in place in the southern part of the country for a year, and at the Wednesday meeting of the Government, both the Interior and Defence Ministers expressed their thanks to the military and police personnel serving there.

The head of the Prime Minister’s Office described the construction of the fence as a wise decision, without which, in his view, illegal immigrants could continue to enter the country uncontrolled. He highlighted: at present there is no acute immigration crisis because the countries of the Balkans and Hungary jointly sealed the route of migrants. Mr Lázár additionally repeatedly underlined that it is the goal of the Government to erect another interior fence on the Hungarian-Serbian border, while the recruitment of border guards is making good progress.

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Road development worth HUF 2,500 billion launched

The Government approved a road development programme worth HUF 2,500 billion on Wednesday, Mr Lázár announced. The Minister informed the press that 81 main roads may be refurbished, and some one thousand kilometres of new, four-lane express roads and motorways may be built from local and EU funds up to 2022, which will also boost economic competitiveness, in addition to the development of the infrastructure.

The precise list of the road developments in question will be contained in the relevant Government Resolution to be published soon. Mr Lázár mentioned as examples the section of the M2 express road between Budapest and Vác, for the purposes of which HUF 57 billion will be allocated, and the conclusion of the construction of the Várpalota bypass road for HUF 18 billion, as well as the connection of county-ranked cities to motorways and the extension of every motorway to the state borders.

He also told the press that the Government would like to begin these projects during the period ahead, and would like to complete a considerable portion of the construction works by 2018-2019.

The Cabinet additionally intends to allocate HUF 1,100 billion to a railway development programme which will include, inter alia, the refurbishment of the Western and Eastern Railway Stations in Budapest, and the construction of a Balaton circuit railway line, Mr Lázár said.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office further informed the press that the coach company Volán will procure 180 new coaches worth some HUF 22-24 billion based on the recommendation of the Economic Cabinet, thereby creating an opportunity for Hungarian coach manufacturers to raise revenues.

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Government approved Pest County’s development concept

Mr Lázár also said: the Government has approved Pest County’s development concept, the localities of which will receive targeted state funds worth HUF 80 billion as of 2016. Micro-businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises, churches, non-profit organisations and local governments will receive HUF 5 billion this year, HUF 25 billion next year, and HUF 50 billion thereafter.

The Government has allocated HUF 44 billion for the first two phases of the development of the University of Physical Education: in the first phase, for refurbishment and renovation works, and in the next phase for the construction of a new block on Alkotás út to be completed by 2018, he said. The Government has approved a water project worth some HUF 300 billion as a priority state project.

On behalf of the Government, the Prime Minister will undertake to guarantee the implementation of the next phase of the 2024 Olympic bid, the Minister said upon listing the decisions adopted by the Government, adding: they have also approved the setting up of a state secretariat responsible for helping persecuted Christians around the world with a staff of ten under the auspices of the Ministry of Human Capacities.

Dozens of laws are expected to undergo amendment in the interest of creating a standard electronic administration system, „electronic accessibility”, and the avoidance of the need for administration in person, the Minister told the press.

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Number of jobs has increased by 660 thousand since 2010

After a review of the latest economic data, Mr Lázár told the press: the number of jobs in Hungary has increased by 660 thousand since 2010, and pro rata tax revenues have never been as high as they are this year. Despite this, they continue to look into ways in which to enhance the performance of the economy. One possible direction to achieve this is the reduction of work-related contributions.

In answer to a question, the Minister said that the authorisation of the Paks enlargement project is at an advanced stage, and there is constructive cooperation with the European Commission on this issue.

There is a „sensitive debate” regarding the establishment of a system of hospital chancellors, he said in answer to a question, stressing: the Government is interested in an effective operating system, and upon developing a viable solution, it is necessary, in his view, to also rely on the experiences of the Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance Centre.

In answer to a question, the Minister said: it is a grave error that no direct connection will have been built between the airport and the centre of Budapest during their term in office up to 2018, as he said, and while there will be some results in preparation for the World Aquatics Championships, these will not represent major progress.

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In answer to another question, Mr Lázár described Ferenc Gyurcsány’s words as „the organiser’s base lies”. The former Prime Minister made reference to the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House when he identified the organisers of the 2006 riots. At the same time, Mr Lázár said in response to his statement regarding the presence of foreign secret service operatives in Hungary: as Ferenc Gyurcsány was Hungary’s Prime Minister for several years, he may have adequate information on the matter. He added: he does not deny that the presence of some secret services is very intensive in the country.

The Minister said in reply to a question that „there is primal chaos in many people’s heads” as regards 1956 and the ensuing executions, and therefore he sorely regrets that no posters have emerged yet which would draw attention to the fact that „János Kádár was a murderer”.

He further told the press: he initiated the classification for 30 years of the data relating to the circumstances of the acquisition of the Seuso treasures in order to ensure that the disclosure thereof to the public should not hinder the purchase of the rest of the treasures. At the same time, he promised to review the classification of the information after the acquisition of the entire collection.

No suspicion of corruption has emerged in connection with the Budapest-Belgrade railway line project, he said. The Government is negotiating with the EU with respect to the project, 85 per cent of which is to be implemented from a Chinese credit facility, in order to ensure that the relevant calls for proposals should fully comply with EU law.

A journalist from the daily Magyar Nemzet asked Mr Lázár about the termination of the parliamentary committee membership of Fidesz MP Flórián Farkas. The Minister said: committee members are replaced on a weekly basis, and in the parliamentary practice of the past 25 years, it is nothing out of the ordinary if an MP does not actively take part in a committee’s work. The journalist then asked Mr Lázár why a government that is pursuing a work-based, workfare society does not punish this practice. In reply, the Minister called upon the journalist „to stop labouring the Gypsy point”, and added that Flórián Farkas has completed the job that was entrusted to him.