Minister of State for Government Communication András Giró-Szász informed MTI that at a governmental conference held on Tuesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that hard work and commitment is needed from the whole state apparatus in order to successfully carry out civic consolidation and to make it a part of everyday life.

According to the Minister of State, the conference started with the Prime Minister’s address, in which he described a clear path leading from 2010 up to today.

Mr. Giró-Szász quoted the Prime Minister, saying the following: “In 2010, Hungary – together with Greece – was in the middle of an economic, financial and social crisis. The governmental economic and social policy of the last four years was needed to achieve the strongly positive economic indices that characterize our country today. However, there is still much to do in order to ensure that Hungary can say – unlike Greece – that it has not only successfully avoided economic and social bankruptcy, but that it has also successfully carried out civic consolidation, and has made its programme a part of everyday life. For this, however, a great deal of work and commitment is needed from all of us – the entire state apparatus.”

Answering a question from MTI related to media reports on the conference, the Minister of State said that the Prime Minister had not made any comments on matters of personnel – either with reference to the ministries, or concerning specific individuals.

(MTI/Prime Minister's Office)