Scattered Hungarian communities had never before enjoyed as much attention and support as they have this year and in the past few years, and scattered Hungarian communities themselves had never before manifested such unity and loyalty, Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén stressed at the 7th plenary session of the Hungarian Diaspora Council.

The Hungarian diaspora stood up for Hungary in unity, “with full dedication”, and we thank them for their loyalty to the nation, the Deputy Prime Minister said, adding: they did so despite the fact that this was often not easy, “the pressure of mainstream media and politically correct brainwashing” reached them as well in their respective countries.

Mr Semjén said: in 2010 they resolved to create associations out of the organisations of the diaspora that were fundamentally emigrant formations in their roots which may serve as the homes of every Hungarian. He concluded that these organisations have been able to transform themselves into such home formations by now. Mr Semjén also spoke about the fact that the Hungarian nation is a world nation, and the Thursday meeting itself testifies to this. It did not become a world nation out of choice, but because of the storms of history, he pointed out.

The Christian democratic politician further informed his audience that the funds allocated to nation policy purposes had increased more than ten-fold since 2010, and the constitutional unification of the nation has been completed as well. He added: they have extended a variety of benefits – such as the baby bond and maternity support – to every Hungarian, regardless of where they live in the wide world.

By now every Hungarian, wherever they may live, is a full member of the nation not only in a cultural, but also in a public law sense, Mr Semjén said in summary. A closing statement was adopted at the meeting of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, while the plenary session of the Hungarian Standing Conference will be held on Friday.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)