The Schengen Agreement does not answer the problem of migration, and therefore the rules of border surveillance must be made more stringent, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said on the public service television news channel M1 on Friday.

He added: the rules may be rendered more stringent also within Member State competence, and this is why Parliament is voting today for the amendment of certain legal rules with a view to addressing the problem of mass migration.

Mr Kovács took the view that Hungary is being criticised today for that which every EU Member State should do as a matter of course, i.e. protecting the borders of the European Union. The present state of illegality must be brought to an end, and it is also in the best interests of Europe that the process which is taking place at present should occur within regulated boundaries. Hungary itself is working on this, he highlighted.

Regarding the remarks made by János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office on Thursday which criticised Germany, the Government Spokesperson said: prominent politicians and the press should stop making statements practically amounting to an invitation, based on which Europe welcomes everyone because Europe is humane. „While we do not wish to refute this, this is, beyond doubt, nothing short of an invitation”, he said.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)