Organisations sponsored by George Soros are leading attacks on Hungary, the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office said at a press conference held on Tuesday in Budapest, in response to the fact that international non-governmental organisations called upon members of the European Parliament to trigger the procedure under Article Seven of the EU treaties against Hungary.

Balázs Orbán said all signatories to the open letter – Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Civil Society Europe, the European Policy Institute forming part of the Open Society Foundations, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and Climate Action Network Europe – are organisations which actively support immigration, and do everything they can to make Hungary change its stringent migration policy.

Their goal is to strengthen pro-immigration policies and to weaken forces which are critical of those policies. This is why they are seeking to turn MEPs in Brussels against Hungary, the Parliamentary State Secretary said.

He added that “the Sargentini network, and also politicians in Brussels who are allied with her” are attacking Hungary because it stands in the way of the Soros plan.

According to the government’s position, the Sargentini report is “a third-rate, shoddy piece of work that was conceived in a politically motivated show trial”, the purpose of which is to put pressure on Hungary to abandon its immigration policy, Mr Orbán said, highlighting that the government is resisting this pressure.

The report serves no other purpose than to enable the European Parliament’s pro-immigration forces to stigmatise Hungary and the Hungarian people in the eyes of European public opinion for saying no to immigration, the Parliamentary State Secretary stressed.

He said the outcome of next week’s vote on the Sargentini report is “doubtful” as pro-immigration forces are in the majority, but they are doing everything they can to defend Hungary in the debate, and therefore Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will also attend the meeting and will stand up for the Hungarian people’s opinion.

The government takes the view that the report is part of the campaign for the EP elections to be held next May, the outcome of which will not be determined by internal political issues as before, but by the issue of immigration, and no less than Europe’s future will be at stake, Mr Orbán said.

The Parliamentary State Secretary also informed the press that the government has extended the state of emergency instated due to mass immigration as illegal border crossing attempts are continuous, the police regularly identify illegal immigrants in the territory of the country, and there are thousands of immigrants stuck on the Balkans route, many of whom will attempt to enter Europe via the Hungarian border according to well-founded reports.