It is absolutely unacceptable that the authorities of countries along the so-called Western Balkan route are facilitating a mass influx of people towards the Schengen borders about whom they know absolutely nothing, the Government Spokesperson said on Hungarian M1 Television’s “Actual Channel” programme.

We see people who are transported to the open border in an organised fashion under the guidance of state authorities on a daily basis, Zoltán Kovács said.

Given the situation, Hungary is the only state along the Western Balkan route which is doing its job, while the migrants are demanding to be let through and even transported on in an increasingly aggressive manner, he added.

The Government Spokesperson stressed that both as a sovereign state and as a member of the European Union, Hungary must protect itself and create controlled conditions.

The migrants are arriving at the Hungarian border from countries such and Greece and Macedonia in which they are in no danger at all. In other words, instead of crossing the border illegally, they could apply to the Hungarian authorities or those of any other EU member state for refugee status in a legal manner, Mr. Kovács stated.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)