Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács described the southern security border closure as successful. The Government successfully achieved its goal, the protection of Hungary, the Hungarian people and the borders of the European Union.

The border closure works well, and border-crossing by illegal migrants has effectively ceased. At the same time, the authorities are continuously monitoring events, and responding to any changes that may occur. This is why it was necessary, for instance, to reinstate border controls on the Slovenian border on a temporary basis.

He stressed: the Hungarian people clearly stated their position regarding the necessity of action to be taken against illegal migration months ago. The measures implemented on the Hungarian-Serbian and Hungarian-Croatian borders since demonstrate beyond doubt that it is possible to take action against illegal immigrants effectively and successfully, Mr Kovács added.

The spokesperson also told the press at his press conference held in Nagykanizsa on Sunday morning: there have been effectively no events or incidents since the closure of the Hungarian-Croatian green border only 24 hours before and the entry into force of temporary border controls introduced on the Hungarian-Slovenian border on Saturday morning.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)