The southern security border closure is working; it successfully performs the function which the Government intended for it, that is, to prevent illegal border-crossing, the Government Spokesperson stated in Nagykanizsa.

Zoltán Kovács added: the Government continues to remain determined. The measures serving to protect the southern border sections will remain in force as long as necessary.

He said: they are continuously monitoring the news coming from the other side of the border, from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. “We are ready to respond to any situation which may evolve.”

Every government had ample time to prepare for the situation which they are now faced with as well, the Government Spokesperson said.

György Bakondi, Chief Advisor of the Prime Minister told the press that the migration situation had not changed in Hungary compared with the Sunday evening data; in other words, the police apprehended 41 illegal border-crossers in total during 24 hours on Sunday. They all attempted to enter Hungarian territory illegally via the Serbian border section. There was no illegal border-crossing attempt on the Croatian section, and likewise no one was apprehended subject to prosecution in connection with the restrictive measures introduced under the Schengen Agreement as of Saturday on the Hungarian-Slovenian section.

According to aggregated data, 390,685 illegal migrants have entered the territory of Hungary this year to date. 758 of them, who arrived via the Serbian border section, have been prosecuted due to prohibited border-crossing. There are 520 persons at Hungarian refugee centres at present, he added.

He told the press: the executive corps of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the police forces are continuously monitoring events beyond the borders. There continue to remain as many people deployed at the borders as necessary, and the presence of these forces remains justified at present.

In answer to a question, Mr Bakondi further pointed out: they are conducting selective controls at the Hungarian-Slovenian border crossing stations, and are making every effort to ensure that the crossing of the border by passengers and cargo remain smooth and continuous. They are employing the same border controls method which was resorted to by the Austrians; namely, they only check certain vehicles periodically which causes no disruption.
