The State Secretariat for National Policy of the Prime Minister’s Office welcomes the decision of the Ukrainian Supreme Council according to which teachers of higher education institutions and schools will be exempt from mobilisation.

The decision of the Parliament in Kiev is indicative of the fact that Ukrainian decision-makers are seeking to establish the prerequisites for a peaceful state.  Ensuring that the education system is functioning smoothly is a key issue in terms of the future of society. The fact that the proposal was initiated by a Hungarian Member of Parliament is especially welcome, since it was the proposal for legal amendment put forward by the President of the Cultural Association of Hungarians in Transcarphatia, László Brenzovics, which raised the issue of exempting teachers from mobilisation in the Ukrainian legislature. The decision is also an important success for Hungarians in Transcarphatia because we hope that it will contribute to reinforcing their sense of security and thus facilitate their continued well-being within their homeland.

(Prime Minister's Office)