Priority objective of the Government is to increase the efficiency of the public administration with the help of the State reform programme, in order to establish a better harmonized and supervised cost-efficiently operating central administration system.

The most important aim of the state reform is to reduce bureaucracy and to establish a customer-friendly public administration, while representing public interest. Exploiting the possibilities provided by IT developments, the citizens’ legitimate expectation to have the public administration solve their issues in an organized manner rapidly, with the utilisation of the lowest possible amount of tax revenues can thus be met. Also, by restructuring the government office system, administration will be accelerated.

The system of individual administrations within the government office system will be abolished, and instead of the previous system of 17 bodies exercising administrative powers, only the administrative government commissioner will have duties and powers.

Another priority of the restructuring is to enable citizens to manage their administrative matters close to their place of residence at district authorities, with the help of the continuously expanding government windows, and through administrative support provided in smaller settlements, respectively, thus not only securing the locations for local government level administrative matters that have been in place earlier, but even expanding these to a number of smaller settlements.

(Prime Minister's Office)