On the second day of his official trip to Nigeria, Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén visited the Abuja National Mosque where he met with member of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Ibrahim H. Jega and Onah of Abuja Alhaji Adamu Baba Yinusa, Cabinet Office Press Chief Bertalan Havasi told the kormany.hu Hungarian government portal.

On the second day of his official trip to Nigeria, Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén visited the Abuja National Mosque where he met with member of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Ibrahim H. Jega and Onah of Abuja Alhaji Adamu Baba Yinusa, Cabinet Office Press Chief Bertalan Havasi told the kormany.hu Hungarian government portal.

According to Mr. Havasi, Deputy Prime Minister Semjén expressed his deepest sympathies in the name of the Government with regard to the terrorist attack in the northeast Nigerian city of Yola during morning prayers on Friday.

The suicide attack, which has been attributed to the extremist Muslim terrorist organisation Boko Haram, claimed the lives of over 40 devout Muslims and injured about a hundred others.

The Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that terror knows no nation or religion. “We strongly reject every form of terrorism, including in view of our respect for the Muslim religion” the Cabinet Office Press Chief said quoting Mr. Semjén. Nigeria’s religious leaders expressed their thanks for Hungary’s solidarity and declared their faith in Muslim-Christian brotherhood. They declared that Boko Haram is an enemy of the Nigerian nation, against which the church and the administration are acting in unison, Mr. Havasi said.
