From the respect of the policy concerning Hungarian communities beyond the borders, the 2010s brought a fundamental breakthrough, and we have managed to strengthen the Hungarian nation sufficiently to enable it to survive any difficult period, Árpád János Potápi, Minister of State for Nation Policy said on Wednesday in Tusnádfürdő at the opening of the 30th Bálványos Summer Open University and Student Camp.

According to the Minister of State, in the past thirty years in the camp – which has come to be known as ‘Tusványos’ – such guiding notions and ideas have been conceived without which today’s Hungarian nation policy concerning Hungarian communities beyond the borders would be inconceivable. He mentioned as examples the status law, educational support and the new Fundamental Law which lays down the responsibility of the motherland for Hungarian communities beyond the borders.

He highlighted that it was during the first Orbán Government – when the status law was adopted – that Hungarians beyond the borders had the opportunity to appreciate for the first time that the Hungarian government thinks in terms of an entire nation, and then from 2010 a turnaround started which made the construction of a framework system for nation policy possible, while from 2014 on nation policy took a turn in the direction of promoting advancement in everyone’s native land.

Fundamental nation policy objectives between 2018-2022: strengthening of national identity, supporting families and enhancement of competitiveness in the entire Carpathian Basin which means the economic reinforcement of Hungarian communities, businesses, people and society, Mr Potápi explained.

The politician pointed out that, beyond strengthening the Hungarian nation, the government also thinks in terms of the cooperation of the peoples of Central Europe and the strengthening of the region.

“For us, beyond the strengthening of the Hungarian nation, it is equally important that we should be able to talk about a strong Romanian nation, a strong Slovak nation, a strong Serbian, Croatian, Czech or Polish nation as well,” the Minister of State for Nation Policy stated.

As one of the founders of the Bálványos Summer Open University, Zsolt Németh, Chair of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee pointed out that the change of regime that was based on the united action of people committed to freedom took place thirty years ago, along with the introduction of a policy concerned with Hungarians beyond the borders, and in the past few years the building process in Central Europe – the process of the reunification of Europe – has started “bearing fruit”.

He took the view that today the feeling of national cohesion ties together Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin much more than at any time before, and this is an inexhaustible resource for Hungarian government politics.

Today Central Europe is able to take joint action against the “aggressive utopia” referred to as federalism which is heralded throughout Europe and whose purpose is to “grind down” national identities, to abolish national sovereignty, and to undermine Europe’s Christian roots, the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee stated, adding that the Hungarian government is committed to the reunification of Europe, but thinks in terms of a Europe of nations.

As another founder of Tusványos, Tibor T. Toró, Acting President of the Hungarian People’s Party of Transylvania spoke about the values that guided the founders of the open university which is now celebrating its thirtieth anniversary. Among these he mentioned the need to face the legacy of communism, the values of democracy, pluralism, the rule of law and freedom, the ideal of communal autonomies, the need for urging a Romanian-Hungarian political dialogue, the development of Europe, the economic strengthening of Hungarian communities and nation policy.

At the opening speakers highlighted that in Tusványos in 28 event tents some 400 lectures, debate forums and stage discussions will await those who seek to play an active role in the future of their communities.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)