Government Commissioner for the Development of Modern Settlements Alpár Gyopáros from the Prime Minister’s Office received Czech Minister for Regional Development Klára Dostálová in his office on Friday.

The Minister informed the Hungarian party that the Czech and Hungarian positions are in accord with relation to the fact that funding must be provided to families and for home creation. The partners also agreed that these topics must be handled as part of the sovereign politics of states.

At the meeting, Mr. Gyopáros presented Hungary’s development and family support measures, including the Modern Cities Programme, the Hungarian Villages Programme, the Village Home Creation Scheme (Village CSOK), and the main elements of the Government’s family support measures. Klára Dostálová said the Czech and Hungarian rural and family support systems are extremely similar; both countries are placing emphasis on young people and families with relation to their demographics policies.

The Czech Minister for Regional Development invited Alpár Gyopáros for talks in Prague, where they will continue their dialogue on the Czech and Hungarian regional and family support systems.