Following the extraordinary EU-Turkey summit of heads of government and state on Sunday in Brussels, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that the final document accepted on Sunday does not include provisions on the mandatory distribution of migrants among Member States.

He said that this means that they have succeeded in having Hungary’s views taken into consideration. The statement provides clear guarantees for Hungary that it will not be compelled to receive anyone against its wishes, the Prime Minister explained. He also expressed the hope that the great powers have reached a beneficial agreement, as it is in Europe’s interest that Turkey halts the migrant flow.

As Mr. Orbán pointed out, the approved text does not detail specific numbers and methods for a resettlement scheme, but this had been the clear intention of the leaders present.

The financial framework of EUR 3 billion offered to Turkey to provide for the migrants is for a period of two years, the Prime Minister said. He said that Hungary’s contribution of EUR 18 million is a correct decision in humanitarian terms, and this volume of support is fair, in light of Hungary’s GDP.

(Prime Minister's Office)