“Every Hungarian must understand that in the 21st century the nation can only succeed if it becomes the best or the most outstanding”, Minister in Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár said on Sunday in Hódmezővásárhely at the commemorative assembly held to mark the anniversary of the 1848 War of Independence, “We must understand that the Hungarians are only important to the Hungarian people, and the nation can only count on itself”, he declared.

The message of 1848, when courage took the reins and the nation took action, provides strength in such a situation. The Hungarian soldiers of 1848 sacrificed their lives for their homeland, so that the country could be independent and could decide its own fate”, he added.

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“And so if we Hungarians wish to succeed in the 21st century, then we must be courageous; we cannot be half-hearted and we must grasp at the opportunity to take action. We cannot accept the compromises that are forced upon us or collaboration that is forced on us”, the Minister stressed.

“In addition to courage and action, there is also a great need for performance. It is not enough to the brave and intrepid; to succeed we must be outstanding both in virtue and performance”, Mr. Lázár said.

DownloadPhoto: Gábor SZILÁGYI

Three people received the Pro Urbe award during the event. In addition to Sister Mária Ármella Majoros and poet Etelka Kenáz Heka, the award was also awarded posthumously to Physical education teacher and athlete Sámuel Banga.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)