On 25 April 2018, Minister of State for EU Affairs Szabolcs Takács from the Prime Minister’s Office held talks with Israeli Political Director Alon Ushpiz.

At the meeting, in addition to bilateral relations the parties also reviewed the most important political and institutional processes ongoing within the European Union, with particular emphasis on the political situation prior to the upcoming European Parliament elections in 2019. They also touched on the importance of high-level negotiations with Israel conducted within the framework of the Hungarian presidency of the Visegrád Group (V4).

Mr. Takács stressed that Israel is one of the European Union’s important economic partners, and accordingly Hungary is committed to developing relations and maintaining constructive dialogue. Therefore, it is calling for the convening of the EU-Israel Association Council at the earliest opportunity. According to the Minister of State, the European Union must improve its economic competitiveness in order to successfully remain a determining power at global level, the key to which lies in successful adaptation to the new economy and to social challenges. Furthermore, it must remain true to its historical traditions, in addition to which we must strive to preserve our identity, which is built on Jewish-Cristian culture. Successful cooperation between the V4 and Israel also plays a highly important role in this, and accordingly must also be expanded and reinforced in future.

The foundations for these aspirations were laid by the V4-Israel prime ministerial summit in July 2017, but the processes launched within this framework must be filled with further content, primarily within the field of digitalisation.

(Prime Minister’s Office)