The Prime Minister’s Office has already fulfilled its payment obligations due by the end of May, as since the beginning of the year it has transferred HUF 725 billion of EU and state funds to successful tenderers. Taking into consideration the fact that 2015 is the last year that Hungary is able to use funds made available in the 2007–2013 programming period, it is important to absorb all the funding available for the country.

According to the website of the Prime Minister’s Office, HUF 7500 billion of EU funds has been paid, and thus only HUF 700 billion is left to be paid, after which Hungary can receive the whole amount of the financial framework. Every payment made beyond the framework is covered by the state budget, from which the Government has continuously allowed for over-commitment since 2012, making it possible for Hungary to be the first EU Member State to utilise 100% of development available funds.

According to the present balance, in the quick and efficient utilisation of EU funds in the region Hungary ranks second after Poland, and above Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria.

Since the Prime Minister’s Office took over the task of handling funds from the National Development Agency in August 2012 the pace of EU funds payments has been accelerated.

It is worth noting that from 2007 to 2010 the previous government paid only HUF 980 billion to tenderers: an amount over three and a half years equal to Hungary’s current payment for six months.

Tenderers are contributing to the payment of record amounts by completing more and more developments.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)