The arrival of illegal migrants in the country via the southern border section has effectively ceased, the Government Spokesperson told the public service television channel M1 on Saturday evening from Letenye.

The police apprehended six persons on the Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian sections of the southern border during the course of the day. One of them was apprehended thanks to the border controls temporarily reinstated on the Slovenian border section, Zoltán Kovács said who was reporting live from Letenye.

In his view, while it is as yet early to make any statement, the measures which have been implemented in the interest of the protection of the Hungarian and European borders and the Schengen zone have evidently worked on the first day. Regarding the temporary border controls introduced on the Slovenian border, the Government Spokesperson indicated: on Saturday – the morning aside – there was no need for a measure of this nature. Traffic and the transportation of goods continued as usual. At the same time, the Hungarian authorities have the right – after prior notification – to conduct controls if necessary, similar to the border controls on the Austrian-German border and at Hegyeshalom.

Mr Kovács added: as Slovenia and Hungary are equally members of the Schengen zone, there is no scope for creating a physical border obstacle on the Slovenian border, but the border can be guarded with live force, with reinforced border patrolling, and if necessary, with the protection of specific entry points.

The police are fully prepared and are continuously monitoring the situation which has evolved in the wake of the measures which sealed the Croatian-Hungarian green border, he said, indicating: they are also monitoring the news coming from Croatia and Slovenia and the German and Austrian reactions.

György Bakondi, the Chief Advisor of the Prime Minister said in answer to the question whether Hungary can rely on the cooperation of the Slovenes in the live-force protection of the Slovenian border: they are consulting with the Slovenian party regularly. There was a consultation on Saturday as well when the Zala County police chief consulted with his counterpart at the border.

The Hungarian party indicated that they are also ready to engage in joint border patrolling, but there has been no need for this so far. According to the information provided by the Chief Advisor, no asylum claims have been submitted in the last 24 hours either at the Beremend, or at the Letenye or Röszke transit zones. At the same time, should the need arise, all personnel and physical conditions exist for anyone to do so, he added.

In answer to the question as to what units are participating in the protection of the Croatian-Hungarian border, Mr Bakondi said: there has been no need for further regrouping since midnight; the necessary forces arrived in the region before the introduction of the border closure.

Mr Bakondi pointed out in answer to the question as to whether they are prepared for the eventuality that Slovenia, too, should close its borders, and as a result, migrants should find themselves trapped in Croatia and might resort to violent attacks: they would very much like for this not to happen, but should this be the case, the Hungarian police will guarantee the guarding of the state border and the security of the lives and property of citizens with lawful means. He added: if necessary, they are able to close the border at all road and railway border crossing points on the Croatian-Hungarian section. Special metal gates are available on site at every location, and they can be installed within minutes, he said.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)