In Budapest on Wednesday, at a press conference related to coronavirus, the government-appointed Operational Group announced new measures in addition to the 28-point action plan adopted in January. Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, stated that at present the Government is not aware of anyone in Hungary who has tested positive for coronavirus.

Mr. Gulyás said that although the spread of coronavirus in Europe means that there is little chance of Hungary being able to avoid incidents, at this point in time there have been no reports of anyone in Hungary testing positive for it.

The Minister informed the press of the latest data, collated on Tuesday evening, which indicated that the number of infections had risen to 81,000 in 41 countries, with 2,762 deaths. In Europe the virus has claimed twelve lives, eleven of which have been in Italy – the most severely affected European country.

He said that the Government is aware of two Hungarians outside the country who have tested positive: a woman living in Vienna and a man on board a Japanese ship.

He stated that attempts will be made to help every Hungarian national at risk, wherever they may be in the world, and he noted that those who requested so had been brought back from the Chinese city of Wuhan. He added that the condition of the Hungarian who was infected on the Japanese ship is being continuously monitored, and Hungarians returning home are being quarantined when necessary.

Mr. Gulyás said that the press will be immediately informed if anyone in Hungary is diagnosed with the illness.

He stressed that now there can be no tolerance for disinformation, which is a crime.

In answer to a question, the Minister said that the Operational Group will decide whether quarantine should be imposed anywhere, but as there are no incidents in Hungary at present, there is no need for any such decision. If a mass infection is detected in any Hungarian region, however, the Operational Group will take the necessary decision, he observed.

The Minister also pointed out that the epidemic will have a negative impact on the world economy, but at present it is impossible to assess how seriously this will affect Hungary.

Speaking about the Hungarians now quarantined in Tenerife, Mr. Gulyás recalled that some one thousand guests in one hotel are in quarantine, with five Hungarian nationals among them. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is in contact with them, he said, and the latest information indicates that they are well.

He confirmed that the body temperatures of passengers arriving on flights from China, South Korea and Northern Italy are being checked.

Mr. Gulyás said that Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér had convened a six-party consultation for Thursday.

Police Major Kinga Láng-Bognár, Spokesperson for the Operational Group, said that there is no need for panic even if the virus appears Hungary. She pointed out that the appearance of the virus does not mean that there is an epidemic.

She said that they are continuing to advise everyone against travelling to infected areas – in particular to Northern Italy. State-maintained elementary and secondary schools are being asked not to organise trips to infected territories, she said.

Ms. Láng-Bognár said that those who must nevertheless travel to Italy are asked to register with the consular services or with the Operational Group.

Staff in hotels and guesthouses alongside major roads are being asked to cooperate with the authorities in identifying incidents of coronavirus. Disinfectant and medical thermometers must be made available on international rail services run by MÁV and GYSEV/Raaberbahn, and conductors must also be prepared to act if necessary, she reported.

She said that in the event of confirmed cases of coronavirus, the public service media has been instructed to make special provisions in order to inform the public. The spokesperson added that pharmacies must be supplied with face masks being made by inmates in penal institutions.

The Major said that anyone returning from an infected country who notices symptoms should immediately contact their family doctor by telephone and should avoid contact with other members of the public.

Ms. Láng-Bognár stated that vehicle checks at border crossing points have also been made stricter, with special focus on people coming from the direction of Italy. Checks at airports are also continuous, with the monitoring of passengers arriving from China, South Korea and Italy.

A website and a Facebook page are being launched to keep people informed.

The spokesperson said that the Government has ordered that from Wednesday evening the Operational Group should have a fully functioning response centre, led by a senior member of the National Police Service. The Operational Group will provide daily updates.

Minister of Human Capacities Miklós Kásler noted that on Tuesday the third version of the Hungarian protocol on coronavirus had been published, and it had been sent to all general practitioners. He said that this provides information on how to assess the illness, whom to notify if an infection is suspected, and how to refer patients to specialists.

According to the Minister, the protocol will be constantly updated to address the latest situation, and “it is a little stricter and tougher than what is typical for Europe”. He explained that quarantine will be required for anyone coming from an infected area who has a significant chance of having been exposed to the virus. If the chances of a person having been infected are significantly lower, however, observation rather than quarantine will be required.

Mr. Kásler stated that these measures seek to avoid overreacting to current events, but at the same time there should not be a lack of preparation for a worst-case scenario. He drew attention to the fact that the Director-General of the World Health Organization also begins all his statements by counselling against panic.

In answer to a question, Mr. Kásler also said that the illness can appear with a variety of combinations of symptoms, and that many infected people recover after either having very mild symptoms or no clearly noticeable symptoms at all. He also said that the Hungarian coronavirus patient in Japan can return to Hungary as soon as he has fully recovered, is completely free of symptoms and has tested negative for the virus.