Judit Varga, Secretary of State for EU relations at the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, has told Hungarian public media that pro-immigration politicians in Brussels are continuously exerting pressure to punish Hungary before the elections to the European Parliament.

Mrs. Varga is part of a Hungarian delegation attending an informal meeting of ministers and secretaries of state for EU relations.

During the meeting, Member States discussed their positions on the future of the EU and its multiannual financial framework; the Article 7 procedure brought against Hungary was not on the agenda. The Secretary of State explained, however, that the informal meeting – and some associated bilateral discussions – proved to be a good opportunity to inform partners of the will of the Hungarian people and Hungary’s standpoint in detail.

Mrs. Varga pointed out: “It is important that the next European budget is not a pro-migration budget – or not a budget that punishes Member States opposed to migration. With regard to Article 7, it is important to note that pro-migration politicians in Brussels are constantly exerting pressure to condemn and punish Hungary – before the elections to the European Parliament if possible. This is what we’re fighting against.”

The Secretary of State added that the Romanian presidency of the EU understands Hungary’s reasoning, and is perfectly fulfilling its role as an honest and creditable intermediary.

Mrs. Varga stated that “By working with [the Romanian presidency] and winning over those Member States which hold positions similar to ours, we are attempting to frustrate efforts in the run-up to the European elections to punish Hungary for taking a view on immigration policy which is different from that of the mainstream.”