János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office and András Giró-Szász, State Secretary for Government Communications held a press conference under the title „Governmentinfo 15 - Government actions explained”.

Construction of temporary border fence must begin

The construction of the temporary border fence on the Serbian-Hungarian border must begin within weeks, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced.

The Minister said: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made it clear at the cabinet meeting held the day before that the implementation of the temporary border fence must be completed within the shortest possible time. The Government cannot wait 4-5 months, Mr Lázár stated. He reiterated that the construction works will be kept within the boundaries of the public sector, and the costs are estimated to be between HUF 5-10 billion, pointing out that an allocation of HUF 6.5 billion is already available. The Minister indicated that the Ministry of Interior had already designated the track of the fence.

Mr Lázár informed the press that some one million people have completed and sent back the questionnaire of the national consultation to date, the deadline for which has been extended to 15 July, and after the processing of 800,000 questionnaires, the conclusion continues to remain that the vast majority of electors firmly say no to illegal migration.

The head of the Prime Minister’s Office further said that the Government is investigating the news that illegal migrants are arriving in Hungary via routes organised by human traffickers.

Regarding the Hungarian-Serbian government meeting held on Wednesday, the Minister stressed: cooperation with Serbia is of the utmost significance for Hungary, and Hungary is committed to supporting Serbia’s EU integration. Concerning the border fence, Mr Lázár confirmed Mr Orbán’s words from the day before: the Hungarian measure is not directed against anyone. “We would simply like to defend Hungary’s borders.”

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There will be no automobile procurements of any kind in the state apparatus

There will be no automobile procurements of any kind in the state apparatus during the period to come, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office informed the press. Mr Lázár indicated that they have reviewed the state of the automobile fleet, and found that the procurement worth HUF 6 billion was not required.

In response to the proposal of the Fiscal Committee of Parliament, the Minister further pointed out: the new public procurement legislation was drafted in accordance with the latest EU directives, and local legislation has limited scope. Consequently, the Umbrella Organisation for Hungarian Public Service Media (MTVA) will likewise not have the opportunity to be granted special treatment after 1 November. The Minister also told the press that the Government welcomes the Curia’s legal unity decision on actual life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Government decision on first phase of Liget Project: call for conceptual ideas, refurbishment of buildings

The Government has decided on the first phase of the Liget Project, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Thursday at the press conference where he informed the press that the Government will call for conceptual ideas with a view to the restoration of the function of the Városliget area as a public park. A number of buildings will be refurbished, and new ones will also be built.

Among the building refurbishment projects Mr Lázár mentioned the renovation of the Museum of Fine Arts, and told the press that the Government is also ready to embark on the refurbishment of the building of the Arts Hall opposite.

The Castle of Vajdahunyad and the zoo will likewise undergo renovation, and the Government is further ready to cooperate in the refurbishment of the Széchenyi Baths Complex, the Minister said.

The House of Hungarian Music will be built, the Minister confirmed, and informed the press: the Government will allocate the necessary funds for the renovation of the original building of the museum of transport as well. Mr Lázár finally informed the press of the construction of a new circus centre.

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EU Commissioner for internal market threatened Hungary

Mr Lázár also touched on EU affairs. In reference to an interview given by the EU commissioner responsible for the regulation of the internal market, the politician said: Elzbieta Bienkowska threatened the Hungarian Government, Hungary’s legislature and the whole of Hungary, which is unprecedented.

According to the EU Commissioner’s „message amounting to a threat”, the Hungarian Government must prepare for war with the European Commission if it takes away the formerly distributed rights from foreign companies, and seeks to redistribute economic privileges more justly, based on the foundations of a patriotic economic policy, the Minister said.

The Hungarian Government would like to clarify with the European Commission whether this is the position of the Brussels body or the Commissioner, he said, adding: the EU commissioner for the internal market spoke up for the Spar supermarket chain, large pharmaceutical trading networks and the tobacco industry company Philip Morris. In the context of the latter, Mr Lázár added that it is unprecedented that an EU Commissioner would openly lobby in favour of a tobacco industry company and smoking.

The Minister further spoke about the development of the Paks atomic power station, and told the press: the Hungarian Government itself started a procedure under competition law in May, requesting the European Commission to decide whether the Cabinet observes the regulation related to prohibited state aid. He requested the Brussels commission to adopt its decision on the basis of the relevant facts and figures.

The Minister informed the press that Balázs Sonkodi, State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for strategic affairs and Attila Aszódi, government commissioner for maintaining the performance of the Paks atomic power station will inform the Directorate General for Competition in Brussels, and will later also provide official information for the US administration in the United States.

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Mr Lázár would increase pay of public service workers with lowest income by 50 per cent

Mr Lázár proposed a 50 per cent increase in the salary of public service workers in the lowest income bracket.

The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said that there is a HUF 25 billion allocation in the 2016 budget for the promotion of the public service career. In the interest of the fair and just spending of this allocation, the Minster will initiate consultations with the partners concerned.

Mr Lázár told the press that district office or government office workers with the lowest income or in the most junior positions earn around HUF 80-100,000; the goal is to increase their pay within the shortest possible time.

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Family bankruptcy protection is unprecedented help

According to the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office, family bankruptcy protection is unprecedented in the Hungarian legal practice, and may offer a way out of the debt trap to some 100,000 families in trouble.

Mr Lázár said that these families were unable to avail themselves of the previous debtor rescue packages, and they are facing the threat of losing their homes.

The Minister told the press that those entering personal bankruptcy may repay their debts in the next 5 years under the supervision of a trustee, in accordance with stringent rules. Mr Lázár pointed out: it is important that the State does not assume responsibility from a single foreign currency debtor but will help everyone who is in trouble.

(Prime Minister's Office, MTI)