“This year’s final tenders have been published within the framework of the Hungarian Village Program; this time, applications may be submitted for a total budget of 12 billion forints (EUR 34.6 million) for the construction of local municipality cycling paths, cemetery development, the establishment of building plots, and the purchasing of derelict buildings for public use”, Government Commissioner for the Development of Modern Settlements Alpár Gyopáros announced at a press conference in Budapest on Monday.

“Together with the latest tenders, the total number of tenders published this year within the framework of the Hungarian Village Program has now risen to 22, of which the results have already been published with respect to six”, Mr. Gyopáros told the press. “The tenders were published on the kormany.hu website on Monday, and applications may be submitted until 10 September. A decision on the winning applications will be made within 60 days, and the funding will be on the accounts of local governments within five days of the conclusion of the funding agreement”, the politician highlighted.

“There are four billion forints (EUR 11.5 million) available for the construction of cycling paths and the development of new ones, and individual settlements may apply for a maximum of 50 million forints (EUR 144 thousand) in funding. The program is funding the construction of locally important internal cycling paths, or ones that link external areas to the municipality”, the Government Commissioner explained.

“The tender concerning the development of local government and church cemeteries has also just been published, with a budget of three billion forints (EUR 8.6 million). Funding may be awarded for, amongst others, building reconstruction, the establishment of toilets, and fence repair. A maximum of 30 million forints (EUR 86,500) in funding is available with relation to infrastructure development projects, and a maximum of five million forints (EUR 14,500) for smaller projects”, he continued, adding that a similar tender published last year proved to be extremely popular among local governments.

It is also possible to apply for funding for the establishment of building plots within the Hungarian Village Program. “There are settlements where there is high demand to move into a new home, but there are no more used homes available”, the Government Commissioner explained. “Local municipalities may use the money they are awarded within the framework of the program to finance, amongst others, the official fee relating to the establishment of plots, and the installing of public services on the new plots. There is a total budget of three billion forints (EUR 8.65 million) available for this program, and individual settlements may apply for a maximum of 15 million forints (EUR 43,300) in funding”, he told reporters.

“Applications for funding may also be submitted with relation to the purchasing, demolishing or renovation of derelict properties that are ruining a settlement’s image. This program has a total budget of two billion forints (EUR 5.8 million), and the maximum funding available to individual settlements is five million forints (EUR 14,400)”, Mr. Gyopáros said.

The Government Commissioner also spoke about the fact that the future of rural Hungary is part of political dialogue in Hungary. “According to the Left, led by Ferenc Gyurcsány, the country’s rural areas should be left to become depopulated and die, strong evidence of which are the activities of the pre-2010 government, which closed rural kindergartens and schools, led to an increase in unemployment, and chased provincial inhabitants into a debt trap”, he added. “And now, it is Momentum politicians who are thinking in a similar manner with relation to the provincial population, with one member of the party’s executive board stating a few years ago that he ‘hates’ provincial people”, he pointed out.

“People living in rural areas are important to the government and to the Fidesz-KDNP coalition, and we are doing everything possible to ensure that rural settlements do not become depopulated, and that the quality of life of people living in smaller settlements continuously improves”, Mr. Gyopáros stated.

“It is in the interests of this that the Hungarian Village Program was launched, with a budget of 150 billion forints (EUR 432.5 million) available for rural development when it was launched last year, 219 billion forints (EUR 631.5 million) available in 2020, and a budget of 252 billion forints (EUR 726.5 million) earmarked for developing the quality of life of the rural population next year”, the Government Commissioner added.


(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)