At a press conference on Saturday, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács announced that so far four hundred thousand citizens have responded to the national consultation on immigration, and two hundred thousand of the replies have already been processed. These show that the majority expect more decisive action from Hungary and the European Union in the field of immigration, Mr. Kovács said.

The Government Spokesperson pointed out that ninety per cent of the respondents support making the regulations on illegal immigrants stricter in Hungary, both with a view to detentions and to returning them back home. Furthermore, over ninety per cent of respondents agree that potential labour force and demography-related issues should be solved by supporting families, instead of allowing migration.

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From the answers given to terrorism-related issues, it appears that Hungarians generally feel safe, but can also imagine acts of terrorism in Hungary. One-third of respondents think that current EU regulations partially allow “terrorism to emerge as a potential threat linked to illegal migration”, Mr. Kovács added.

At the press conference Fidesz Member of Parliament from Debrecen László Pósán said that Debrecen is one of the areas most affected by the issue of immigrants, and he said that he has received many inquiries from local people, who were all of the opinion that the situation “cannot go on like this anymore, and something must be done”.

Hungary would prefer it if Brussels does not force onto Member States regulations which make effective measures against immigration impossible, Mr. Pósán said. He said that he thinks the issue of migration should either be returned to nations’ spheres of competence, or the European Union should find a common solution that would satisfy its citizens.

Local people in Debrecen have also expressed their indignation over the fact that the Hungarian left is not siding with Hungarians on this issue, he said: “They would allow anyone to enter the country, without any screening”. He also added that Jobbik does not offer a solution either.

In response to a question concerning the future of the refugee camp in Debrecen, the Government Spokesperson said that Hungary is complying with all its European commitments, therefore the reception centre in Debrecen – or anywhere else – can only be closed if European provisions allow for this. Mr. Pósán noted that, to his knowledge, the camp is currently full.

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Concerning the report published in the online version of the daily Napi Gazdaság, according to which the country’s southern borders may be closed to immigrants, the Government Spokesperson said that “we are hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst”. He noted that it is common practice in the EU to re-establish rights of border surveillance. “The Hungarian government must analyse all possibilities”, he said, adding that he cannot say more at present, as “this situation has not yet arisen, and – as far as I know – we do not plan any such steps at the moment”.

Concerning the issue of the billboard campaign on immigration and vandalised billboards, Mr. Kovács said that such vandalism is a breach of the law, and therefore it can be expected that the authorities will make arrests.

(Prime Minister's Office)