According to secret service information, the threat of terrorism has increased in France, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office pointed out at his press conference.

In the context of the European Football Championship currently taking place in France, he drew attention to the fact that, according to secret service information, the threat of terrorism and the chance of the commission of potential terrorist attacks in France has increased.

There are security risks, and „the situation has deteriorated” in the past 48 hours, the Minister said, asking every Hungarian currently in France or planning to travel to France to take the advice of the Counter Terrorism Centre and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade seriously.

At the same time, Mr Lázár expressed his appreciation in connection with the performance rendered by the Hungarian national team at the European Football Championship in France.

We have no legal scope for taking in migrants sent back from other countries

Mr Lázár said at his press conference held on Thursday: partner countries wish to send back some 45 thousand people to Hungary. Hungary registered 179 thousand people.

More than 21 thousand asylum requests have been submitted in Hungary this year, Mr Lázár said. Migrants are all required to issue a statement as to where they first entered the European Union.

The Minister, who described the recognition of the closure of the Balkans route as a major diplomatic achievement, added: we must now demonstrate that Greece was the country that „failed to observe the rules of the game” by having omitted to register these migrants. On this score, however, Hungary cannot be punished.

He indicated: the European Council will have a meeting next week to discuss the latest issues of migration, and the Government will therefore review the proposal of the government task force regarding immigration on Friday.

The Minister said that the Government is also ready to consult with Austria, which will introduce emergency migration regulations, in order to ensure that the flow of traffic on the border between the two countries should be as smooth as possible during the summer months.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Máthé/MTI

The regulations which are expected to enter into force in one to two months create the possibility of sending migrants back as Austria fixed the cap on the number of migrants that may be allowed in at 37,500, he said. Interior Minister Sándor Pintér therefore initiated the setting up of a task force with Austria in the interest of facilitating border crossing.

The Austrian and Hungarian authorities have already conducted multi-level consultations which focus on migration traffic between the two countries. Hungary approaches this issue in the spirit of mutuality and reciprocity, he stressed.

Mr Lázár described the decision of the Constitutional Court – in which they did not grant the four petitions submitted against the referendum initiated by the Government with respect to the settlement quotas – as the main item on the agenda of the Friday cabinet meeting.

As a result, there are no more legal obstacles to the referendum to be held in the autumn, and it is the goal of the Government to enable people in the largest possible numbers to voice their opinions, Mr Lázár said, who summed up the principal question as follows: who should have the right to determine who may live and work in the country and who may enter the territory of the country?

It is an honour for the Hungarians to be the allies of the Brits in the EU

It is every British elector’s right to voice their opinion on Britain’s EU membership. At the same time, Hungary believes it is an honour to be an ally of Britain in the EU, Mr Lázár said in the context of the EU referendum held in Britain on Thursday.

The Minister said: the Cabinet will deal with the referendum on its merits at its Friday meeting, and will assess the outcome.

Mr Lázár pointed out: we may expect close results, and therefore even the minority view cannot be disregarded. He added: whichever way the Brits may decide, it will have an impact on the future of the EU.

In his view, exiting the community is not a national issue. Regarding the Government’s campaign in favour of Britain staying in the EU, he remarked: a great many people will state their views before the referendum to be held in Hungary in the autumn as well. The question is who will do so, he remarked. If there are comments from Members of the European Parliament or the European Commission, they cannot be seen as interference with the country’s national sovereignty.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Máthé/MTIIn answer to the question as to whether – in the event of Britain’s exit – Hungary may be expected to contemplate a similar measure, the Minister said: he does not believe that this should arise. As to whether the Minister himself would vote for staying in or leaving, he said: „this is a difficult question”.

In addition to discussing the consequences of the Brexit referendum, the Friday cabinet meeting will decide on large projects, such as the Liget Project, the development of the metropolitan Palace Quarter, the Tomb of Gül Baba and the refurbishment of the Hungarian State Opera House, the continuation of the reconstruction of Kossuth Lajor tér, the closure of the M4 project and other road and railway developments, Mr Lázár listed.

He also said: Metropolitan Mayor István Tarlós will not attend the Friday government meeting. Deputy Mayor Gábor Bagdy will, however, be present. At the same time, the Cabinet will only decide on metropolitan transport developments together with Mr Tarlós, he added.

In answer to a question regarding replacement buses in the capital, he said: this is one of a dozen important questions. When designating the Friday agenda together with the Prime Minister, they will take the Mayor’s arguments into consideration.

At the cabinet meeting, today’s strike of municipality workers will also be on the agenda. Mr Lázár said in this context: the Government is ready to consult with stakeholders from the sector, such as municipal interest representations and trade unions. The Government does not dispute that the pay rise demands of quite a few municipal officials are well-founded, he said, remarking that raising the necessary funds is the actual question.

At its meeting to be held on Friday, the Cabinet will also discuss the fact that President János Áder sent back to Parliament for consideration the proposal regarding the amendment of laws related to compensation, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office told the press.

Additionally, the Government will further review the summer meals and summer camps to be organised for children at its next meeting.

Mr Lázár was asked at the press conference whether the Government is planning to alter is GMO-free position. The Minister answered this question in the negative, pointing out: Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas is the most committed advocate of GMO-free production.

In answer to a question regarding the statement made by Tamás Portik, the former executive of the company Energol relating to Minister Antal Rogán, he said: the claims of a man who has been convicted of murder cannot be taken seriously. In his view, attempts have been made in the past three to four years „to hunt down” Antal Rogán in a political sense. This is the political „credo” of Péter Juhász, Vice-President of Együtt.

The Government acknowledges the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) regarding the former President of the Supreme Court, but does not agree with it, Mr Lázár said in answer to a question. He added: the Government continues to take the view that András Baka’s human rights were not violated in any way and he was not restricted in stating his views. He added, at the same time, that the ECHR adopted a decision in connection with András Baka as an individual, and it therefore has no implications for the whole of Hungarian democracy.

The damages awarded to him will be paid within the first statutory time limit following the delivery of the judgement.

In answer to a question, he also stated: he is not aware of the existence of sound recordings which the press attributes to businessman Zoltán Spéder, and neither has he seen any police statements alleging the existence of such sound recordings.

The Minister further informed the press: 73,000 students have passed their final examinations this year. 284,000 oral examinations have been taken in Hungary in 1,161 locations before 3,241 examination boards.

111,000 students have submitted applications for enrolling in higher education; 72,000 of these students are seeking to join basic higher education. 17 per cent of applicants are seeking to gain admission to economics faculties, 15 per cent have opted for technical studies, 9 per cent of students wish to pursue medical and health care studies, 8 per cent have applied for IT studies, while 13 per cent of students are seeking to gain admission to teacher training.

He also reiterated the agreement, pursuant to which the State and the EBRD have each acquired a 15 per cent stake in Erste Bank Magyarország Zrt.

They had talks with the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry regarding development policy issues on Thursday. They have meetings every three months. He added: EU funds worth some HUF 1,500 billion have already been awarded to applicants, and some 20,000 businesses are already receiving grants. The number of project proposals received is around 45,000.

In answer to a question regarding the possible reduction of VAT on UHT milk, he said: there is no consensus on the utility of this measure. However, it cannot under any circumstances be implemented in such a way that producers do not benefit from its consequences.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)