During their meeting in Budapest on 7 October, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović touched upon the issue of the unscheduled Croatian train which arrived in Magyarbóly, Hungary on 18 September 2015.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/Prime Minister's Office

The train – which was not numbered and arrived without prior notice – was carrying 1,059 migrants and 36 Croatian police officers. At the request of the President of Croatia, the Government of Hungary decided that the train would be allowed to return to Croatia after the necessary railway safety checks. At 10.40 am on 8 October the train left Magyarbóly railway station bound for Croatia, and it crossed the state border at 10.46 am. This step, however, does not affect the ongoing criminal proceedings in this case, which are unaffected by the train’s current location.

(The Prime Minister's Office)