Based on the Prime Minister’s decision, the work of the Government will be divided into two government cabinets in the future: an economic cabinet and a strategic cabinet, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said at the press conference Governmentinfo 57 which he held jointly with Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács.

The Minister said: each cabinet will be headed by a Minister. The cabinets will be government agencies which will be in charge of the preparation and adoption of decisions. Based on Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s decision, topics, issues and affairs will be delegated to the cabinets.

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The purpose of the change is to leave more time for the preparation of important decisions and consultations in the two cabinets, to render the Government’s activities more effective, and to improve governance in general, Mr Lázár explained.

He took the view that the setting up of the two government cabinets will primarily assist the work of the Prime Minister. They will function as forums for clashing views as the government meeting is not a suitable venue for discussing certain topics. As he said, the Prime Minister is not planning personnel changes at a ministerial level. Mr Lázár regards the changes that have been implemented at the level of state secretaries at the Prime Minister’s Office as closed, but there may be some more changes at the level of deputy state secretaries.

The two cabinets will not be “discussion forums”, but formal decision-making forums, and their activities will be legally relevant. In answer to a question querying his own personal fate, he said: “it seems to me that I will have more work than before (…) I am involved in the activities of the two cabinets”. In answer to another question, he also said: disclosing the decisions concerning the personnel of the cabinets falls within the Prime Minister’s competence. According to the Minister’s information, they will discuss structural issues at the next government meeting to be held on 20 July.

Security is paramount for Hungary

Mr Lázár stressed: security is paramount for Hungary, and no compromise of any kind is conceivable at the expense of this. He highlighted: no one may enter without controls. Only those may enter the country whom Hungary lets in at the border and whose stay Hungary authorises. We must protect our right to decide whom to let in, and we must protect the borders. This is why it was necessary to change the relevant legal rules, he explained.

He stressed: it is unfair on the part of European politicians and international organisations to accuse Hungary and to call us to account in the department of solidarity. What could be a better manifestation of solidarity than the fact that Hungary is protecting the borders of Europe, mostly from its own resources, and is making every effort to stop those who seek to enter without controls and documents?, he asked.

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The Minister said: the Government is prepared for the NATO summit to begin on Friday. NATO decided two years ago that defence expenditures must be increased significantly, and Hungary’s defence funds have increased by 20 per cent compared with 2010. While this is still far behind the organisation’s expectations, the initial steps have been taken in recent years, and efforts will continue to reinforce our defence forces, he said.

He further informed the press that the Government debated President János Áder’s decision regarding the calling of the referendum as organisations attached to the Government are responsible for the preparations for and the implementation of the referendum, and also on account of the fact that the Government initiated the referendum.

They will ask every citizen to go and cast their votes, to state their opinions, and to back the Government in the struggle that it is pursuing also at present. The protection of Hungary and Europe is effectively the duty of the Hungarian Government even now, and this is why the relevant legal rules have been changed, he explained.

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In answer to a question, Mr Lázár repeated the private opinion he voiced last week to the effect that he would not be able to decide in favour of staying within the EU “wholeheartedly”. As he said, he has received several critical comments and remarks in the past week on account of the fact that he clearly stated his doubts. He said: he is pessimistic as to whether the current EU institutional system can be repaired. At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that Europe is not the same as the European Commission or the European Union. He took the view that what is going on within the EU’s institutions does not do credit to Europe, and it is also down to the Commission that one of the most important Member States is leaving. The way the Commission and the EU are working today repels the people, he said. He added: this is, however, his personal view as a Fidesz politician, and not the Government’s position.

The Minister further pointed out that Britain has been among the world’s most successful nations in the last few centuries, and it is a gross mistake to condemn those who voted for Brexit.

He also told the press that the European Commission’s procedure related to the construction of the Paks atomic power station is nearing its conclusion. The consultations have been closed, and it is to be hoped that the talks between the Government and the EU may come to an end, and the case may be brought to a close.

Mr Lázár was further asked whether a new reception centre will be opened in Kiskunhalas. The Minister said in reply: the Government has not decided on this, and whatever decision they may reach, they will consult the town. He added that the occupancy rate in these facilities is at present high, but in his view the measures now introduced – depth controls within a range of eight kilometres and the transportation of migrants to entry points – will reduce the pressure, and there will be no need for a new centre. The Government is in favour of closures, he stressed.

Hungary has vested interest is settling relations with Austria

Mr Lázár takes the view that Hungary has a vested interest in settling and intensifying relations with Austria. He said: they are continuously consulting with the Austrian policing agencies, and Hungary is not doing anything that would hinder or prevent Hungarian-Austrian cooperation. Hungary is seeking to find a common solution to the difficulties with Austria, he stated.

„Austrian-Hungarian conflicts have major historical traditions”, he said, adding: these disputes always end with a compromise. „We would not like to take part in any response measure, or reaction”, he said, taking a stance in favour of the improvement of relations.

He also indicated that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán invited Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern to Budapest, who will pay a visit to Hungary in the next few weeks as expected, and there is ongoing internal affairs cooperation between the two countries in order for the inevitable checks and controls on the border to cause the least possible inconvenience to those arriving at the border.

Parliament may decide on use of proceeds of land auctions

Mr Lázár told the press that the Government will seek the position of Parliament in September regarding the use of the proceeds of the land auctions. The legislation on this issue is still in the making, and additionally an account will be rendered for Parliament of how many individuals acquired state-owned land and to what value.

The Land for Farmers programme will be closed on 31 July as expected. Almost 40,000 people have bought land to date, 30,000 of them purchased areas under 3 hectares. The revenues of the State will be around HUF 270 billion, the Minister informed the press.

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Government decided on metropolitan projects

The Government has decided on a number of metropolitan cultural projects, Mr Lázár announced. At the 57th Governmentinfo press conference he told the press that a decision was adopted, in the presence of metropolitan mayor István Tarlós, on the refurbishment of the main building of the National Széchenyi Library – for the purposes of which an official planning tender will be invited – and as part of the project, the institution will also be given a large warehouse building in the locality of Piliscsaba as expected.

The Government has also decided to „offer for use” several buildings of the Józsefváros Palace Quarter – the currently unused parts of the old headquarters of the Hungarian Radio as well as the Esterházy and Károlyi Palaces – to the Hungarian National Museum, and the green areas between these buildings will be restored and increased. They are expecting a concept from the institution’s director general with respect to this project.

The Minister also said that the main building of the Opera House will be refurbished from an allocation of some HUF 25 billion in 2017-2018. The artists of the institution will perform in the Erkel Theatre and the Eiffel Hall, as anticipated, during the renovation works. The Cabinet is additionally seeking a new central building for the Natural History Museum.

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At the cabinet meeting they also confirmed the implementation of zoo developments, a development allocation of HUF 25 billion is available for the purpose, and measures will be adopted with a view to solving the problems of parking in the area, the Minister informed the press.

The Minister also reported that they have not yet decided on the fate of the three large Budapest railway stations, on which there will be further consultations.

Speaking about the City Park project, Mr Lázár confirmed repeatedly that the percentage of green areas will increase from the present 60 per cent to 65-70 per cent. As he said, they “understand” if, after two years of preparations, “sincere green groups”, “genuine civil-society organisations” and “non-political civil-society organisations” struggle to rescue a green area or a building, but demonstrations can only be conducted within regulated boundaries and everyone must observe the laws.

Record number of people in employment since change of regime

The Minister was also queried about the fact that Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said on Wednesday about the proposal submitted by the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists: they agree with a number of points of the proposal, including the one that, should the need arise, it is necessary to provide for the employment in Hungary of qualified work force coming from third countries. Mr Lázár said: he respects the position of the Ministry for National Economy, but we must primarily help those who live here, and the unemployed must be supported. There are three or four regions in the country which have yet to be fully exploited in order to provide jobs for the unemployed there, he explained. He said: “we cannot give up on a single Hungarian citizen in favour of” those coming here from abroad.

He took the view that until there is full employment in Hungary, we cannot say that the problem has been resolved. Though there have not been as many people in employment as there are today since the change of regime, there are still some regions where there are no jobs and no opportunities for advancement, he pointed out. He said: we cannot brand those who leave the country because they usually set out to lay the foundations for their future lives abroad, and then return home. It is a great problem that the most talented and most courageous people tend to take this path, and the Government will have to work hard to improve the conditions in Hungary so that people conclude that it is not worth going abroad, he explained.

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Mr Lázár further told the press that the Prime Minister’s Office has a number of conflicts and difficult cases in its portfolio which is far from an easy one. As he said, he is not upset if a particular case that is resolved under the auspices of his institution is then taken over by someone else. The House of Fates is a delicate issue which the Hungarian Jewish community cannot be left out of, he said. He added: if it takes five years to reach a consensus, this will be a long process, but “until we succeed in reaching a consensus, there is no point in rushing things”.

He remarked: after his press conference, he will meet with András Heisler, the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (Mazsihisz), and will prepare a meeting between Jewish leaders and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in order to review relations between the Government and the Jewish community.

Mr Lázár said: the Government will give HUF 13 billion to monastic orders between 2016-2020. The Government will provide funds, for instance, for the Cistercian Order for the refurbishment of the Buda St. Imre parish church and the Székesfehérvár John of Nepomuk parish church, will allocate funds for the renovation of the building complex of the Premontre Provostry in Csorna, will support the Miskolc development of the Jesuits, will allocate HUF 2.2 billion for the Győr developments of the Benedictines, the Franciscans will receive HUF 1.3 billion for developments, the Paulist Order will be given HUF 200 million, an allocation of HUF 400 million will be provided for the erection of a site for the Carmelites, HUF 800 million will be made available for the developments of the Order of Premontre, the Government will make a contribution of HUF 500 million to the renovation of the Kőszeg school of the Dominican Order, and the Mosonmagyaróvár school of the Piarists will be given HUF 900 million.

Regarding the accident of bomb disposal experts last week, the Minister said: they will provide for the family members and children of the deceased bomb disposal experts. At the last government meeting they heard Defence Minister István Simicskó’s short report on the incident, but the most important thing is to provide support for the relatives, he said.

He highlighted: the State must not regard members of the defence forces as the subject-matters of business insurance, and also in this instance, if they took care of the fate of the deceased on the basis of the principle of business insurance, the relatives would receive less in compensation. The members of the defence forces cannot be insured on a business basis. The State must reward those who are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the country, he stressed.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)