Regional cooperation, too, may serve as a means of taking action against illegal migration, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said in the context of the fact that Slovakia has sent fifty police personnel to Hungary to reinforce the protection of the country’s borders. Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér pointed out: their presence in Hungary means that the Visegrád countries give a common response to a common challenge.

“Hungary has decided: it is enforcing the laws of the European Union and the Schengen directives, and is complying with their provisions”, Mr Pintér said. He added: the leaders of the Visegrád countries have agreed on this, and are setting up a joint police unit for the protection of the green borders on a temporary basis. The Slovak police represent the first group of this decision.

DownloadThe Visegrád countries give a common response to a common challenge Photo: Károly Árvai/Prime Minister’s Office

The Minister pointed out: a multitude of illegal migrants and refugees are heading for the European Union. More than 390,000 people have crossed Hungary’s green borders illegally this year. He added: in accordance with its decision, Hungary is protecting the green borders, and permits entry only at the designated border crossing stations, under the relevant legal conditions.

Mr Pintér told the Slovak police contingent: upon the fulfilment of their mission, they will be protecting their own country, Slovakia, and they will be equally protecting Hungary and the European Union. He said that the leaders of the Visegrád countries set an example of cooperation, and requested the members of the police forces to manifest this spirit of cooperation also during the course of the practical implementation of their assignments.

At the same time, the Minister requested the Hungarian police commanders to treat the Slovak police as guests but to look upon them as highly qualified police personnel during the course of day-to-day work.

DownloadAn exemplary cooperation scheme began in the protection of European borders Photo: Károly Árvai/Prime Minister’s Office

After his welcome speech, the Minister handed over armbands to the Slovak police; these were specifically designed for this purpose. In the middle of the armband, there is a “V4” inscription in a blue circle in which stars evoke the flag of the European Union, surrounded by the national flags of the Visegrád Four: the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai/Prime Minister’s Office

Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said at the press conference held after the ceremony: with the welcoming of the fifty police personnel from Slovakia, an independent initiative and cooperation scheme launched by the Visegrád Four began which is exemplary in the protection of European borders.

He took the view that this may serve as an example as to how to forge cooperation in connection with a jointly recognised problem and a jointly experienced series of negative events, and how to take action against illegal migration also regionally.

DownloadGovernment Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács, Chief Commissioner of the Police Károly Papp and Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér Photo: Károly Árvai/Prime Minister’s Office

Mr Kovács highlighted: Hungary will also sign an agreement with the Czech Republic next week, on the basis of which a Czech police contingent of a similar size may be expected to arrive in Hungary, and an agreement of a similar type with Poland is under preparation as well.

He further mentioned that the Government repeatedly reviewed the situation at its meeting held on Tuesday, and reiterated: the southern border closure is working, performs its intended function, and prevents illegal border-crossing onto the territory of Hungary. The few people who do cross the border illegally are prosecuted in line with the new, more stringent laws, he said.