In Budapest Minister of State Szabolcs Takács had talks with CDU politician Mark Speich, Secretary of State for Federal, European and International Affairs of North-Rhine Westphalia, regarding the challenges facing the EU and the preparations for the upcoming European parliamentary elections.

According to the Minister of State responsible for the coordination and development of EU policies at the Prime Minister’s Office, in the May European parliamentary elections the people will have a chance to decide how they feel about migration; whether they would like to live in mixed societies or would prefer to preserve their national identities. The Minister of State highlighted that illegal immigration is organized by international criminal networks with the ideological support of European left-liberal forces, which jeopardises the European way of life which is based on Christian core values. Their goal is to weaken and to divide the strongest European centre-right party family, the European People’s Party, Mr Takács said, adding that the CDU is an important and close ally with which we agree that we must take action against illegal migration. The Minister of State underlined that, according to the position of the Hungarian government, trouble should not be brought to Europe, but instead help must be taken to the ground. The parties agreed that Europe has a vested interest in the development of the African and Middle-East regions.

He stressed that it is natural according to the rules of democracy that there is no full agreement on every issue within the People’s Party, but during the current crucial period only those countries and parties can be successful which focus on the security of citizen, economic competitiveness and the protection of the borders not only in words, but also in deeds. The best guarantee for this is if, also after the May EP elections, the European People’s Party remains the strongest party on the continent, anti-immigration forces claim a majority, and upon the selection of the new leaders of European institutions, the principle of geographical balance is duly taken into account, Mr Takács said.

Mr Takács observed that relations between North-Rhine Westphalia and Hungary are excellent, and with a view to the further expansion of the possibilities of economic cooperation, it is important to take action also in Brussels in the interest of the strengthening of cooperation and the smooth functioning of the internal market.

(Prime Minister’s Office)