At a meeting held on Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó asked for the support of the parliamentary parties in order to reach national foreign affairs objectives.

Topics of the discussions were continued support provided to Ukraine, strengthening US-Hungarian relations and further developing the pragmatic cooperation with Russia.

In his statement Péter Szijjártó announced after the meeting that the current geopolitical situation that surrounds Hungary makes continuous consultations with the parliamentary parties necessary.

He stressed that it is in the best interest of Hungary to have peace in the region, therefore only a peaceful solution can be acceptable to us in the case of Ukraine as well.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

The Minister explained that participants were informed that Ukraine still needs significant support in order to reach political and economic stability. Therefore, we must further on support our neighbours, he said, recalling that Hungary has so far contributed EUR 100.000 to the operation of the Ukraine mission of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and there are currently 21 Hungarian OSCE officials in Ukraine.

Péter Szijjártó also pointed out that Hungary has also offered humanitarian aid worth HUF 100.000 for the support of internal refugees; furthermore, it supports the operation of Transcarpathian institutions with HUF 340 million.

At the meeting, the government also requested the help of the parliamentary parties, in order to strengthen allied relations to the US. “We currently have an improving political relation and cooperation to the US, and we wish to take further steps in order to elevate political cooperation to the level of economic and defence cooperation” – the Minister said.

Discussions were also held on potentially further increasing Hungarian support provided to maintaining military stability in Kurdistan.
Together with the Prime Minister, Péter Szijjártó asked for support “to further develop the pragmatic cooperation with Russia”, in order to agree on important issues of the Hungarian economy.

According to the minister, the opposition parties showed responsibility and fairness at the discussions.

Participants of the meeting were Antal Rogán (Fidesz) and Péter Harrach (KDNP) from the government parties, and József Tóbiás (MSZP), Gábor Vona (Jobbik) and Bernadett Szél (LMP) from the opposition parties.

(Prime Minister's Office, MTI)