Dr Csaba Latorcai, Deputy State Secretary for Priority Social Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office delivered a lecture on the challenges of migration at the board meeting of the Christian-Jewish Society on 21 October.

Mr Latorcai drew attention to the fact that we may talk much more about economic immigration in Europe today than about a refugee crisis. He also reiterated that the number of asylum procedures terminated this year exceeded 75,000 on 25 September 2015; 80 to 85 per cent of these had to be terminated because the applicants had in the interim left for an unknown destination.

According to the Deputy State Secretary’s information, the Hungarian authorities registered 176,388 asylum claims by 14 October this year. He added that 80 per cent of the applicants registered to date are men, and 51 per cent of them are aged between 18 and 34 years.

Mr Latorcai highlighted concordantly with the Hungarian Prime Minister’s position stated before the UN General Assembly in New York: “it is a moral obligation to give these people their homes and countries back. We must help immigrants regain their own lives, in their own countries. In order to achieve this, we must create peace and devise economic development plans in their countries.”

(Prime Minister's Office)