On Sunday, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office announced restrictions on entry into the country in connection with the coronavirus epidemic.

Hungary must protect its own safety, and must prevent the introduction of the virus from abroad, Gergely Gulyás said at a press conference.

He stressed that Hungary had won the first battle against the virus with common efforts, and since mid-May had managed to restart normal life in multiple instalments.

“Today Hungary is one of Europe’s safest countries from the respect of the pandemic,” Mr Gulyás said, adding that the fight against the virus has not been this successful elsewhere in the world, and so the epidemic is resurging in many places.

“We have a chance of avoiding the repeated introduction of measures that restrict our lives if we succeed in keeping the virus outside our borders,” he added.

The Minister underlined that the Hungarian people’s health, lives and safety continue to remain the government’s top priority, and they will therefore do everything they can to prevent the return of the virus.

With regard to this, based on the recommendation of the Operational Group, the government has decided to classify states into three categories – red, yellow and green – from the viewpoint of the gravity of the coronavirus situation, and is restricting the crossing of borders accordingly, Mr Gulyás explained.

The government is continuously monitoring infection data also outside the state borders, and has observed signs from neighbouring countries as well as from around the world which give rise to concern, he said, adding that in Hungary the number of active infections has decreased, and they would like to guarantee a further decrease.

According to the Minister, it appears to be contradictory, but it is true: the better we can protect and control our borders and restrict entry into the country, the more we are able to preserve the conditions of a safe and free life in Hungary. For decades before the fall of communism, we lived in circumstances where stringent border controls and restrictions on travel abroad and on the entry of foreign nationals into Hungary meant restrictions on our freedom. Now, however, the opposite is true: the current restrictive measures serve to protect freedom and to preserve our safety, he said.

He highlighted that the government saw no reason for the introduction of further domestic restrictive rules as the number of infections is decreasing in Hungary; at the same time, this favourable process can only be maintained through tightening border controls.

He said in countries falling into the green category, both infection rates and risks are low, and so admission is free. Those countries fall into the yellow category where the situation is less grave, while countries where the situation is grave fall into the red category.

Different rules apply to Hungarian nationals and their relatives and to non-Hungarian nationals. Hungarian nationals arriving from countries in the green category are free to enter the country without controls. At the same time, Hungarians entering the country from countries falling into the yellow or red category are subject to health screening and are required to retire to quarantine for 14 days. An exception to this rule is if the person arriving in Hungary from such countries is able to present two negative coronavirus test results from tests carried in the previous 5 days with 48 hours between the two tests. Hungarian nationals arriving from yellow countries are released from quarantine after the first coronavirus test, while in the case of countries in the red category two negative test results are required.

In the case of non-Hungarian nationals, the nationals of yellow countries are allowed to enter the country under the same conditions as Hungarian nationals, while nationals from countries falling into the red category are not allowed to enter Hungary, he said.

Transit passenger and cargo traffic constitutes an exception to these rules as does official travel. At the same time, health examinations may be carried out in the case of these as well, the Minister pointed out. He added that, the same as earlier, exemption from the rules of compulsory home quarantine can be granted by the police in cases deserving special consideration; applications must be submitted in English or Hungarian.

Regarding the classification of countries, he laid down that the government will regularly review the lists of countries every Wednesday, and if necessary, the number of countries falling into the yellow or red category will increase. If the situation deteriorates dramatically in one country or another, they will take action immediately.

In the case of Member States of the European Union, they paid special attention to ensuring free movement wherever possible, Mr Gulyás pointed out.

At present, from among EU Member States, Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania and Sweden fall into the yellow category, while from among non-EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Japan, China and the United States.

From among European countries, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Ukraine as the only neighbouring country fall into the red category, as do the countries of Asia, Africa and South America with the above exceptions.

In Croatia, the number of infections is low despite the increase, and for the time being, it remains in the green category, he said.

The government will cover the costs of testing until 1 August; however, thereafter everyone themselves will have to cover the costs of testing if – returning from a country falling into the yellow or red category – they do not wish to remain in compulsory home quarantine for 14 days, he said.

In answer to a question from the press, he said the government will decide about the organisation of the 20 August celebrations at the Wednesday cabinet meeting. In answer to another question, he denied reports that Hungary is not supplying data to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. In his view, there must be some misunderstanding.

In answer to a question of the Hungarian news agency MTI, he said the measures restricting travel will take effect from Wednesday. He confirmed that also those returning home from Greece via Serbia will have to expect the implementation of the new measures.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)