The same as in 1848, also today we need courage so that the country may become strong, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office said on Tuesday in Makó.

The most important mission of 1848 was that a strong country may come into being which is independent, János Lázár said at the commemoration organised by the local branch of Fidesz at the statue of the poet Sándor Petőfi on the occasion of the anniversary of the revolution and freedom fight.

After 170 years, we perfectly appreciate and understand how important the individual’s, the community’s independence, and the freedom of decision is. In 1848, and also since, the question has always been whether we must live our daily lives on our own, as a strong and independent nation, or as a weaker entity, under someone else’s guardianship, the politician who is also Member of Parliament for the constituency stressed.

We believe that the most important question of the 21st century is how Hungary can remain independent 170 years after 1848. How we can preserve our right to decide about our fate ourselves, rather than live our everyday lives at the mercy of international financial and business networks. How Hungarian performance and skills, and the strength that exists within us can create a great nation once again, the Minister said.

Mr Lázár pointed out: the same as in 1848, also today we need courage for the struggle. When one goes against Brussels, when one defies Moscow, or when one tells large financial and business networks to swindle their own people in their own countries instead, one takes a great deal of risk. Upon doing so, the Government believes that it is better to remain independent and to become a strong nation, than to subject the interests of the Hungarian people to those of others, he stated.

The politician said that in order for us to become Central-Europe’s most successful nation, we need much more hard work, courage and patriotism.