What is at stake in the European parliamentary elections is whether we will succeed in breaking the pro-immigration elite’s hegemony as Hungary takes the view that we must put an end to the Brussels policy which has far removed itself from the will of the European people, Szabolcs Takács, Minister of State for European Union Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office said in Brussels after the Tuesday meeting of the EU’s General Affairs Council.

He stated that we need leaders who respect the will of the Member States, who understand the electors’ concerns and intentions, and who are able to give genuine answers to the problems that emerge. We need a Europe in which each nation itself decides whether it wishes to build its future on immigration or a successful family policy.

The Minister of State expressed hope that after the elections a political map will evolve in the European Union which is based on mutual respect and the acceptance of national interests, and an environment will come into being where it is possible to conduct a constructive debate on the future of the European people.

He underlined that, according to Hungary’s position, the right of the management of migration should be taken away from the politically biased European Commission, and should be returned to the Member States. In his view, to this end, a new council formation comprised of the Schengen Area’s interior ministers should be set up for the management of migration.

The institutional balance within the EU must be restored so that the European Commission cannot extend beyond its own powers, and with a view to this the decisions of the European Council, which consists of the heads of state and government of EU Member States, must be respected at every level of EU decision-making, he underlined.

He also said that Hungary insists on maintaining the unanimous adoption of decisions in the field of foreign policy.

“We do not accept international pacts being forced upon us with decisions adopted with a qualified majority, decisions that may be contrary to our national interests,” he stressed.

According to Mr Takács’s information on the EU’s seven-year budget from 2021, Hungary shares the view that the achievements of the Schengen system must be restored, and the cohesion and agricultural grants which ensure the competitiveness of the EU and the single market must be maintained. At the same time, adequate funding most be allocated within the EU budget for stopping the flow of migration heading for Europe.

Mr Takács underlined that the decision of the European Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker which prevented the EU integration of the Western Balkans region was extremely harmful. He said Hungary insists that in the future enlargement should emerge as a strategic issue among the EU’s political priorities, which is likewise connected to the sustainable management of migration, he added.

The Minister of State finally highlighted that in the European parliamentary elections the people will be given an opportunity to state their opinion on European integration, the European Union, its past five years, and also its future. He expressed hope that the people will clearly state their opinion on the problems related to immigration and terrorism, among other things, and that they will make a responsible decision on the continent’s future ethnic composition.