Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament János Latorcai are on an official visit to Vietnam between 27 March and 1 April, to participate in the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Hanoi.

The Press Chief of the Prime Minister’s Office told that the Hungarian deputy prime minister held talks with his Vietnamese counterpart Deputy Prime Minister Hoàng Trung Hải, while János Latorcai met Deputy Chairwoman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân.

Bertalan Havasi said that the delegation was received by President of Vietnam Trương Tấn Sang. During the meetings, the parties discussed the Stipendium Hungaricum (within which the number of Vietnamese students studying in Hungary was increased to 100), the water purification system to be built on the Red River with a Hungarian tied-aid loan and the oncology hospital to be built in Can Tho using the same resources.

Mr. Havasi explained that the parties reviewed further options for training Vietnamese professionals, and added that the Vietnamese party welcomes the re-opening of the Hungarian consulate in Ho Chi Minh City.

The delegation was also received by Cardinal of Hanoi Nguyen Tang Nhon. Afterwards, Deputy Prime Minister Semjén and the IPU group representatives from the Hungarian parliament met the board of the Vietnamese-Hungarian Friendship Association.

(Prime Minister's Office)