The biggest ever economic development programme in the history of Hungary will be launched as of the first of January, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Saturday at the thirty-year celebratory event of Jüllich Glas Holding Zrt. and the inauguration of its central office building in Székesfehérvár.

The Prime Minister took the view that the period about to come will be the era of Hungarian businesses that seek new opportunities and ways to grow. “Hungary has an elementary interest in seeing to it that the businesses established by Hungarian people grow, embark on new projects, enhance their value, and provide jobs for more and more people”, he said.

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Viktor Orbán pointed out: a “storm” may break out on the global markets at any time which may “leave entire countries devastated”. In the Prime Minister’s opinion, Hungary’s economy will be proof against these storms if Hungarian companies represent a factor with sufficient strength among the businesses that keep the national economy on the move. To this end, it is necessary for the number of medium-sized enterprises with export potential to increase from the present 2 to 3 thousand to in excess of ten thousand, he added.

The Prime Minister stressed that the Hungarian Government would like to see Hungarian capital gaining in strength. In the interest of achieving this, one of Europe’s most stable budgets was approved in Hungary, a fiscal system has been put into place which promotes production and employment, the Labour Code has been reformed, and the debts of municipalities have been assumed by the State in order to make the direct economic environment of businesses more stable, while the Government also makes every effort to create new jobs.

Viktor Orbán confirmed that there are promising signs in the economy: the number of people in employment is in excess of four million, the gross domestic product is expanding at a rate of more than 3 per cent, and unemployment has fallen below eight per cent. The Prime Minister added that Hungarian enterprises have perceived the positive signs and have heard the call of industrial development as businesses in an increasingly large number are expanding their operations and are creating new jobs.

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The Prime Minister congratulated the Jüllich family and the employees of the company on their assiduous, hard work over the course of three decades, as a result of which they have “created one of Central-Europe’s leading glass industry firms from nothing”.

The company’s new central office was also inaugurated as part of the ceremony, the construction of which was planned as early as in 1995. The project offers long-term employment opportunities to another 30 workers.

(Prime Minister's Office)