Chinese Premier Li Keqiang expressed his congratulations and best wishes in a telegram sent to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on the occasion that Hungary and China entered into diplomatic relations 65 years ago.

The Chinese Premier takes the view that relations between the two countries are steadily developing, and the two countries have succeeded in achieving outstanding results in a number of areas.

In his telegram, the Chinese Premier recalled Viktor Orbán’s visit to Beijing in February this year, during the course of which the Chinese and Hungarian parties agreed upon the extension of practical cooperation.

At the same time, China greatly appreciates the fact that the Hungarian Prime Minister devotes particular attention to the development of bilateral relations and the reinforcement of cooperation between China and Central- and Eastern-European countries.

Li Keqiang finally stressed: China is ready to extensively develop partnerships with the countries of Central- and Eastern-Europe, including Hungary, on the foundations of common criteria and mutual benefits.

(Prime Minister's Office)