The population of Europe mostly support the measures of the Hungarian Government, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in answer to the questions of journalists on Wednesday in Madrid upon his arrival at the congress of the European People’s Party.

“Schengen is a value which we must protect”, the Hungarian Prime Minister stressed, and confirmed that the Croatian green border is not expected to be opened in the near future as it is the objective of the Hungarian Government to turn migrants back, given the fact that the current flow of migration could destroy Europe.

“On the one hand, what is happening here today may disintegrate Europe, and we want to protect Europe. On the other hand, we have international obligations, we signed international agreements which are very clear and which we must observe. Europe is synonymous with the rule of law; if we do not observe the rules, it will lead to chaos. We must observe the rules, the Schengen rules in this instance”, he said.

In answer to a journalist’s question on why he wants to protect Europe when (according to the journalist) Europe evidently does not want any of this, the Prime Minister said that he is certain that the majority of people do not like what is happening today, and this is true not only of Hungarians but also of Europeans as a whole.

In answer to a question from Croatian television, the Prime Minister stressed that Hungary respects the Croatian people, respects the country’s elected leaders, and intends to maintain good relations with Croatia.

One of the most important topics of the EPP congress in Madrid is the European migration crisis, on which there is a proposed resolution which they are planning to debate and vote on.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)