The Government will listen to the solutions proposed by the Minister of Interior and come to a decision regarding immigration next Wednesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Kossuth Radio’s “180 Minutes” programme today.

Every possibility will be analysed, including the possibility of full, physical border closure, the Prime Minister added. Viktor Orbán said that in early July the Serbian and Hungarian cabinets will be holding a government summit where they would discuss unresolved issues.

DownloadPhoto: Szilárd KOSZTICSÁK/MTI

“We think it is wrong that refugees are sent on to us; they should be stopped while on Serbian territory”, the Prime Minister said, adding that the European Union should finance the establishment of reception centres outside EU territory and member states should be given the opportunity to decide whether they are willing to receive people who intend to enter the country.

The Prime Minister emphasised that he regards Schengen borders as a valuable tool that should not be altered for the moment; what we require now is the reinforcement of external borders.

In Mr. Orbán’s view, the greatest difficulty is posed by the fact that Greece, through which a significant number of immigrants arrive on the continent, is not classified as a safe country by the EU, which is absurd. The Visegrád countries also agree with Hungary that the problem must be handled at the Greek border, he declared.

According to Viktor Orbán, the Government’s poster campaign on immigration primarily targets human traffickers, and is aimed at ensuring that every human trafficker, route planner and economic immigrant is aware that “Hungary is a place they should avoid”. We cannot provide jobs to immigrants, the Prime Minister stated, adding that the billboards also convey the message: there is no chance of you staying here, this is not the place where you can succeed in getting ahead.

The Prime Minister said that the majority of people agree that immigration is dangerous. However, the voice of political forces that represent the theory that regulating immigration is “unrealistic” is louder. Viktor Orbán regards the campaigns headed by the liberal intelligentsia a representation of an extremely small but loud minority, which is, however, “in complete contrast to life experience”. They have the right to express their opinion, but not to destroy public property, he added.

According to the Prime Minister, the wording of the posters is in fact rather moderate. It places emphasis on the fact that Hungary is an open and friendly country: it doesn’t say that people can’t come to Hungary, but that they should obey the country’s laws if they do, Viktor Orbán said.

Prime Minister Orbán said the fact that the European Commission is promoting a solution that is in contrary to the stance of the heads of state and government of EU member states was “disrespectful trickery”. The proposed quota system has come up against such serious opposition that other suggestions have since also arisen, he added.

(Prime Minister's Office)