In Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s opinion, it is an outstanding example when a private enterprise decides to buy a company holiday resort which is not directly related to its activities, in a manner “that slightly recalls the atmosphere of old times”.

Waberer’s International Ltd. has bought a 100-room hotel with its own stretch of lakeshore for HUF 600 million, in order to provide holiday opportunities for its employees, and it will spend another HUF 1.5 billion on the investment in the coming two years.

“It is possible to be competitive in the international environment without trampling on one’s employees; it is possible to recognise them as human beings, to remunerate them appropriately, to train them and to care about their progress; moreover, it is possible to offer them support in relaxing, in maintaining their well-being, and in recognising the company’s successes as their own joint success”, the Prime Minister said. He expressed the Government’s appreciation to Waberer’s leadership for their considerate attitude.

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Mr. Orbán also said that he had held talks with the company CEO before the opening ceremony, and they had agreed that “many things have to be changed in Hungary in the field of rules and regulations in the logistics sector”.

They also agreed on the direction of regulation, and were of the opinion that time is one of the most critical factors, considering that the sector has to be competitive in an international environment.

As a result of the discussion, the Prime Minister announced that on the basis of this they had concluded “within a matter of seconds” on putting together a two-year action plan: those active in the logistics sector – with special attention to road hauliers’ representatives – will define the most important tasks and deadlines and will appoint people to be in charge of the work.

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He noted that “In the coming two years we will work in order to be able to say that Hungary has done everything in terms of regulations, budget, taxes and fees to make transportation and logistics companies competitive in the single European area”.

György Wáberer, Chief Executive Officer of Waberer’s International Ltd., said that the haulage company employs 5400 people, of whom 4000 are drivers.

The CEO explained that, as their work requires high levels of commitment, concentration, hard work and a sense of calling, there emerged the idea of buying a resort; this could serve as a recreational centre where these people, who have to work under such difficult circumstances, are also offered sports opportunities and medical services.

The company bought the resort at the end of last year, and it will be renovated within a two-year development project. “We hope that in terms of the profession’s prestige and recognition, this move by our company will also be significant for the drivers”, Mr. Wáberer emphasised.

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According to information from the company, a total of one thousand employees and their families will have the opportunity to each spend one week at discount rates at Waberer’s Club Hotel during the high season. The resort will offer employees modern rooms and apartments. It will also have a football ground with artificial turf, a beach volleyball court and a combined handball and basketball court, as well as pétanque and table tennis equipment and a wide selection of water sports equipment. Company workers will be able to visit the resort in the coming days.

Budapest-based Waberer’s International Ltd. is the third largest international haulier and full truckload company in Europe. Its vehicle fleet of over 3300 trucks completes approximately two million haulage assignments across Europe annually.

DownloadGyörgy Wáberer, CEO of Waberer’s International Ltd. Photo: Károly ÁRVAI

The services of Waberer’s Group include all fields of logistics, from road transport and warehouse logistics to vehicle repair.

The company has subsidies in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

CEO of the company György Wáberer was elected Businessman of the Year in 2014 in Hungary, and thus he will represent Hungary at the EY World Entrepreneur of the Year Gala in Monte Carlo, an event organised for the most successful businesspeople in the world.

Mr. Wáberer bought the company at the verge of bankruptcy twenty years ago, and it has become one of the largest road haulage companies inEurope. According to the company website, Waberer’s ended 2014 with a turnover of almost EUR 500 million.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)