Francesco Patton, leader of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land thanked Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for the financial support provided by the Hungarian State with the extension of the Terra Sancta Museum in Jerusalem.

In December, the government decided to offer the Custody HUF 66 million as part of the Hungary Helps Programme in the spirit of helping Christian communities and protecting universal Christian heritage, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief highlighted.

In his letter, Francesco Patton expressed his most sincere gratitude to the Government of Hungary for “its generous donation” provided for the Terra Sancta Museum in Jerusalem.

“This museum reminds us that we Franciscans have been present here for almost eight hundred years, reinforcing Christian presence in the Holy Land and telling the story which dates back to the time when Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was born and resurrected,” the church leader wrote in his message to Mr Orbán.