In his interview given to Kossuth Rádió Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that according to the plans, the Slovakian-Hungarian gas pipeline will be put into operation on 1 January. This is the first time in Hungary’s history that gas of non-Russian origin will be brought to the country.

Talking about energy supply the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of having pipeline connections with all neighbouring countries. He also noted that due to the Ukraine crisis there have already been gas shortages in Central Europe, against which we have to protect ourselves. This is why bringing gas to Hungary bypassing Ukraine is a fundamental national interest.

Although the Slovakian-Hungarian connection will start operating on 1 January, due to the size of the pipeline, this is only a partial solution; we still need supplies from the South through Serbia. To the West we already have a solution with Austria, however, Romania and Croatia have yet some work to do – Viktor Orbán said, adding that Hungary will soon succeed in guaranteeing energy security for its citizens and households.

(Prime Minister's Office)