Prime Minister Viktor Orbán takes the view that unity and cohesion have yielded satisfactory results in the past four years, and a large section of society wishes to see the continued pursuance of this policy. Deliberating the chances of the municipal elections to be held on Sunday, the Prime Minister said on the radio station Kossuth Rádió that there are no foregone conclusions in any election because those who feel that the election results are already secure will no doubt face unpleasant surprises.

In the context of Budapest, the Prime Minister stated that people look upon the candidate of the Fidesz-KDNP party alliance, István Tarlós, Mayor of Budapest as an excellent mayor, a true patriot of Budapest, and a reliable leader of the city; he is well liked and people will stand by him. Viktor Orbán will address Parliament on Monday, the day after the local elections, and the Government will meet in the evening of the very same day and will continue its session all day on Tuesday.

The Prime Minister highlighted that „the country will no longer operate in campaign mode” for three and a half years after the municipal elections, and he expects the opposition to make its own contribution to the advancement of the country as part of a joint effort. At the same time, the Prime Minister would like to see the acceleration of governmental operations. There will also be national consultations; „I would like to continue the policy of agreement” during the period to come, he added.

As regards the budget for next year, the Prime Minister said he believes there is no point in returning to the path in the country’s economic policy which the country pursued during the socialist governments and which followed the logic of “austerity and the handing out of money”.

Viktor Orbán stated that the decisions related to the transformation of vocational training into a dual system must be adopted before the end of this year. He takes the view that the idea that the only way to a successful life is through the completion of secondary school, to be followed by college or university studies, is no longer valid in the world today. In the context of issues related to higher education, the Prime Minister indicated that chancellors will be appointed by the end of October.

DownloadFotó: Koszticsák Szilárd/MTI

In the interview, the Prime Minister also related his view on the fact that the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament found Tibor Navracsics suitable for commissioner but did not support his appointment for heading the portfolio of culture, education, youth affairs and EU citizenship. In this context, Viktor Orbán argued that he regards portfolios as a secondary issue in the process of the re-election of the EU’s leadership. “When I appointed the commissioner, I did not appoint him with a view to a specific portfolio because I do not have the powers to do that. Hungary could only argue that Tibor Navracsics is an excellent European man”, he said, reiterating that the President of the Commission has the right to decide to what post to assign Tibor Navracsics.

The Prime Minister also mentioned his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel held on Wednesday in Milan. He said in the context of the meeting that in today’s world, the German mentality yields the most successful economic policy. At the same time, from the viewpoint of Hungary, the most exciting things are taking place in Britain because “what is happening in the United Kingdom today, as far as unorthodoxy is concerned, rivals that which is taking place in Hungary”. The Prime Minister added that while Hungary is heavily criticised for its unorthodox policies, the British press and the public support the measures taken by the British Government.

(Prime Minister’s Office)