Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Pierbattista Pizzaballa and Auxiliary Bishop and Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan William Shomali expressed their joy and gratitude regarding a donation from Hungary which the government provided for the operation of Christian schools in the Holy Land, Bertalan Havasi, the Deputy State Secretary heading the Press Office of the Prime Minister informed the Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday.

The government decided on the Hungarian donation worth one million dollars in Mid-July as part of the Hungary Helps Programme.

In their letters addressed to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa and Bishop Shomali highlight that this is a major contribution to the maintenance of Christian schools in Palestine and Jordan, and through this to the lives and local advancement of Christian communities.

The church leaders asked for God’s blessings for Hungary, expressed their appreciation to the Hungarian people for the continued affirmation of their Christian roots, and thanked them for their solidarity.

Regarding events leading to the church leaders’ letters, Mr Havasi said due to their loss of revenues caused by the coronavirus pandemic, these churches were compelled to stop some of their projects, and to reduce their communal support activities and the employment of local workforce. Apostolic Administrator Pierbattista Pizzaballa therefore published an international appeal asking for donations towards the operating costs of the schools operating under his supervision.

(The Prime Minister / MTI)