At the 14th plenary session of the Hungarian Standing Conference (Máért) held in the Várkert Bazár Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that Hungary would file a challenge against the EU decision on resettlement of migrants based on mandatory quotas.

The Prime Minister stressed that it is not enough to raise objections, but it is also necessary to take action. He noted that Slovakia had also done so by turning to the Court of Justice of the European Union on Wednesday.

In his speech, Mr. Orbán emphasised that the Visegrád countries – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – have proved that “if we want to, we can stop the influx of migrants”. He also talked about the V4 border protection cooperation, noting that Hungarian border control forces will soon arrive in Macedonia as well.

He added, however, that many who “follow different ways of thinking” were not happy about this success. As an example he said that he also regards the legal procedures launched against Hungary in the past few days as revenge for the fact that the Government of Hungary had dared to reject Brussels’ migration policy.

Mr. Orbán also articulated the Government’s position, which is that the existence of European nations is the precondition for solutions to problems, and not the source of problems – as is believed by many people, who sing “the praise of becoming supranational” in Brussels and “other European capitals of financial centres”.

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The Prime Minister listed a number of attempts to attack the existence of nations, such as the reference to Christian origins being deleted from the draft EU constitution, even though “this is a matter of fact”.

He also said that the pressure to remove Member State competencies from the scope of national sovereignty and pass them to Eurocrats is also one of these attempts. He noted that the United Kingdom has been urging revision of the entire European legal system, in order to determine which competencies have been unreasonably – or even unlawfully – passed to Eurocrats.

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Finally he also cited the migration crisis as an attempt to weaken nations. He said that in 2015 the European elite decided to take a truly dangerous step by flinging the EU’s external borders wide open to the massive flow of migrants. According to the Prime Minister, a “bizarre coalition” of people smugglers and rights activists was established, which was also supported from the outside by leading European politicians.