Germany’s Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has written a letter to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to mark the recent celebration of the 30th anniversary of Hungary’s historic opening of the Hungarian-Austrian border to citizens of the GDR.

Mr. Seehofer wrote, “I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for the fact that Hungary has contributed so momentously to German and European history”. He added: “Looking back, the Pan-European Picnic on 19 August 1989, and later the opening of the border on 10 September 1989, were milestones on the road towards a free and united Europe”.

Mr. Seehofer continued, “We shall never forget the courage shown by Hungary, which links our countries in deep friendship. This brave act also reminds us that we must stand up for our freedom together”.

Bertalan Havasi, Deputy State Secretary heading the Prime Minister’s Press Office, said that the German interior minister closed his letter to Viktor Orbán with the words, “Best wishes and God’s blessings on you”.