On Hungary’s side, the strong commitment to the Polish-Hungarian friendship still prevails – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a joint press conference with Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, held after their meeting in Warsaw on Thursday.

Concerning the situation in Ukraine, the Prime Minister greeted the recent second Minsk agreement. We welcome the fact that the European Union made this agreement the foundation of the common European standpoint. European unity could be realized owing to the second Minsk agreement – Mr Orbán explained, adding that “Hungary will support and protect this European unity, which is based on this Minsk agreement until the end (…) and Poland can count on Hungary in this respect.”

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The weapons must be put down, they must be withdrawn from the danger zone, Ukraine must carry out a constitutional reform and Europe must work on creating a Eurasian economic region together with Russia – he recalled, citing the Minsk agreement.

The Hungarian Prime Minister said that he has also discussed “practical issues” in course of the meeting with his Polish counterpart, for example on the cooperation of the Visegrád Group, the issue of the energy union, and on a common standpoint on various EU issues based on common interests. As an example for the latter, he mentioned the effect of the German minimum wage on the Central European transport industry.

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Mr Orbán added that “Poland will always have a special place in our hearts”. This was possible even in difficult times like when Hungarians were allies with the enemies of Poland – he recalled – “still we have found a way to maintain the Polish-Hungarian friendship.”

“We have held a sincere and difficult discussion on the relationship of the Visegrád countries to Russia and Ukraine, as it is usual among friends. In this sincere and difficult discussion, I have told Prime Minister Orbán that the unity of EU member states and that of the Visegrád countries regarding the situation in Ukraine is of fundamental importance” – Polish Prime Minister Kopacz emphasised.

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She recalled the Polish-Hungarian solidarity during the revolutions of 1848 and 1956.

“Poland and Hungary have always been connected by real friendship, not just by the friendship known from the proverb. An excellent example for this was General József Bem, who is known as a common hero of Poland and Hungary. In his person, the unity of history and values closely intertwine. I am proud that after years of oppression, our countries are members of the community of the West” – Prime Minister Kopacz said.

She pointed out that in the course of the change of regime, the two countries had the right to decide on their fate individually, and stressed that Ukraine is also entitled to the same right. She said that the two nations have regained their independence “thanks to external help” at the regime change, therefore Poland and Hungary have the “honorary duty” towards those nations that are fighting for their independence now.

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Prime Minister Kopacz declared the condemnation of “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine” fundamental for Poland, and emphasised that the Visegrád cooperation is equally important. She pointed out that “Hungary and Poland have lost each time violence came before the law in international politics”.

(Prime Minister's Office)