The Western Balkans migration route no longer directly affects Hungary, and it is therefore now attending the summit on this purely as an observer, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said upon arriving at the meeting on Sunday.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the number one reason for the crisis is that some countries in the European Union and the Schengen Area are unable or unwilling to keep their word. Mr. Orbán further said that he had suggested on several occasions that if Greece is unable to protect its borders, the European Union should do so in a joint effort, “but no one listened to us”.

DownloadPhoto: Balázs Szecsődi

“I sincerely hope that this afternoon we can put an end to the policy of open borders, which is diametrically opposed to Schengen, and to the policy of invitation, which is also contrary to Schengen. I sincerely hope that every member of the Schengen Area will say that they are ready to keep their word in the future”, the Prime Minister stressed.

Mr. Orbán said that Hungary is ready to share its positive experiences at the meeting being held on Sunday afternoon.

In answer to a journalist’s question on whether he will encourage other countries to build fences on their borders, the Prime Minister said that it is not his job to give advice to others.

(MTI/Prime Minister's Office)