In Brussels, at a meeting on Sunday of leaders of countries affected by Western Balkans migration, Viktor Orbán made it clear that Hungary is ready to help states situated on the migrant route.

On Monday leader of the Prime Minister's Press Office Bertalan Havasi informed of the Prime Minister’s position.

He said that while Hungary no longer lies on the route used by migrants (and for this reason he was present at the meeting in Brussels on Sunday an observer), he still believes it is important to help those states which are on the route. He said that he is therefore ready to assist these countries with equipment and technical resources.

DownloadPhoto: Balázs Szecsődi

He also said that Hungary will nominate a contact point to facilitate coordinated action on immigration, in accordance with the decisions of the leaders at the meeting on Sunday.

At the meeting in Brussels Mr. Orbán made it clear that Hungary will continue to secure its green border and fully comply with the provisions of the Schengen Agreement. The chief of the Prime Minister's Press Office quoted him as saying that the country's territory may only be entered by those who are entitled to do so under EU legislation.

A 17-point plan of action for managing the migration crisis was adopted by countries participating in the meeting on Sunday.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)